A listing arrived earlier this month for 210 First Ave., a 6-story residential building between 12th Street and 13th Street.
There's not much posted with the listing at Douglas Elliman: "Great Building With 20 Rental Units, Two Stores ... 7 Free Market Apts And 13 Rent Stabilized."
The asking price: $17 million.
Coincidentally (or not), on Oct. 3, the Marshal seized one of the two retail businesses here — Papa John's.
And it doesn't appear that this outpost of the pizza chain will reopen... the space has been gutted...

[Photo by Steven]
Old-timer Gena's Grill is the other business at the address.

Hopefully a sale here won't impact Gena's.
Last week, Robert Sietsema highlighted Gena's in his "Cheap Eats" feature at Eater. Here's part of his lunchtime post:
Behind the counter are steam-table tubs containing the cafĂ©’s daily dishes. There’s no printed menu, so check the chalkboard outside before you walk in. The other day the offerings included stewed pig’s feet, paprika roast chickens, and a codfish casserole. Available every day, though, is the roast pork leg or shoulder called pernil.
I chowed down on the braised pork ribs, the meaty bones cooked with onion, green pepper, and garlic. It came with a mountain of yellow rice and black beans, but I could have picked white rice and red beans. The full plate set me back $8.70 — indeed, all the luncheon size plates cost less than $10 ...
Gena's is open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Check out their menu at this link.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Gena's Grill is back open, and that is a good thing
The Marshal seizes Papa John's on 1st Avenue