Speaking of 325 E. 10th St. ... A reader sent me an e-mail saying that he or she had been in the process of renting an apartment here. That was until the other day.

After a long application process (for which we were approved) we were told the entire building was no longer going to be listed for rent. This was while we were in the process of cutting checks for lease signing. Something is up with this building. We were given no explanation, and everyone involved felt as if we had been worked over. This deal has been in process all week, and I know personally I felt comfortable enough with how things were moving to not continue looking for apartments. Could be a condo conversion, or a complete sale of the property to a third party ..."
StreetEasy has listings for 12 units here. I sent an agent at Icon Realty Management an e-mail asking if units here were still available. He responded, "Yes, to schedule a viewing, please call me." I sent a follow-up note, ID-ing myself as a blogger, and asked for clarification on what was happening here. I didn't receive a return response. That was last Wednesday.
In any event, while walking by recently, an agent was showing the apartments... the front door was open. And a worker told me that it was OK to walk in and take a look. So I did.

There are two buildings here.... a courtyard separates the two... From what I could tell, the second building contains the studios, which start at $2,000.

Everything in the studios are top of the line, including the washer and dryer... but the studios seem small — even by small East Village studio standards.

...and here's a one-bedroom unit in the front building...

And here are a few photos from the roof of the second building... the "roof decks" are listed as an amenity here. Doesn't seem like much of a party destination — a little too close to the neighbors .... not that that will deter anyone...

Finally, when I looked at the
Icon site last night, there weren't any units listed here now. The jilted renter thinks that the second building is still on the market, but not the front building. So, what's going on with 325 E. 10th St.? This is a story that's likely to be continued...