Oh, maybe you already saw this at Curbed on Wednesday... when they reported on the data that White Pages-style search engine Spokeo came up with regarding who is moving to NYC.
Here is Spokeo on what numbers they crunched:
Below is the Spokeo Mobile Migration Map, a visual representation of the most common out-of-state mobile numbers found in your selected city. All numbers are standardized to account for population. By identifying the origin of a mobile number and matching it to address records, Spokeo has pinpointed migration and settlement trends throughout the United States. The different colors represent the home states of transplants. Below the map, you’ll find a list of the top 20 U.S. cities from which new residents in [NYC] have relocated.
And here is that map... with New Jersey and Connecticut leading the way...

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... and for the cities... Washington, D.C.! San Francisco!

[Click image to enlarge]
Reaction on the survey from Virginia K. Smith at Brooklyn Magazine:
I’ve been saying for a long time that all the “GO BACK TO OHIO!!!” venom aimed at faceless gentrifiers is a crock. The real enemies are the hedge fund types or parent-bankrolled transplants from nearby wealthy suburbs, the kind of people who think condos are a perfectly nice place to live...