[Kita from earlier this year]
It has really been far too long since we've heard from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street. (All the way back to November!)
Unfortunately, dear Miss Kita is having another tough summer — at least the last part of July. Last summer, she was recovering from a torn tendon.
Her owners provided us with an update this week:
On the evening of July 22 we were walking on 11th between B and C at around 11 when Miss Kita the Wonder Dog was rather brutally attacked by another dog — a Shar-pei/pit bull mix. The dog was with a young guy who wasn't in control of it.
Kita will be fine but her injuries are severe. She's got a ton of stitches and needed some sort of a tube in her throat. The dog attack was very traumatic for her and for us.
The vet did remove the tube a few days ago, and Kita continues to rest and recover.
"She is in much better spirits now."
Photo of Kita by Elias Weiss Friedman.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Meet Kita
The further adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
The further (often truly) amazing adventures of Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Happy holidays from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street has her first ever annual checkup
Holiday greetings from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Summer greetings from Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street is on the mend!