Via the EVG inbox...
The 4th Annual Lower Eastside Girls Club Comix Fest!
Saturday, May 18
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
At the Lower Eastside Girls Club, 402 E. Eighth St. at Avenue D.
Meet the women (and men) who write and illustrate some of your favorite characters, including our host Fly Orr, Javier Cruz Winnik, the Fearless Feminists, Isabella Bannerman, Katherine Arnoldi, Women in Comics NYC Collective International, Bronx Heroes, the Spicy Mangoes & more artists & creatives TBA!
Comix Market:
Discover the coolest comics and zines available for sale.
Stop by our comics workshops and drawing stations led by NYC comic art professionals, Girls Club instructors and members (for kids of all ages!)
Learn how to make mini comics, create characters, develop story ideas, get drawing tips or just have fun reclaiming your power and creativity with crayons and sharpies!