On Saturday night, The Free Art Society celebrated the arrival of Portal No. 6 in Tompkins Square Park...
... a ceremony that included various dancing sirens and pirates...
... the group headed over to 100 Avenue A between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street for the official unveiling...
[Thanks to Jim Flynn for the above photos. Find more of his work

Bobby Williams]
Earlier on Saturday, co-creators Nicolina and Pérola Bonfanti passed along word that someone removed/stole Portal No. 5 that they unveiled the
previous week along 100 Avenue A ... (Every Saturday this summer, the pair will unveil a new portal. Participants have an opportunity to find one of 64 keys that gives them access to a final event on Oct. 5 that will reveal what the whole puzzle means.)
However, later that afternoon, Nicolina and company replaced Portal No. 5... (
Boxcutter Design on Avenue C is helping out by printing replacements.)
Now, as of yesterday,
both Portals are missing from Avenue A ...
the latest theft/removal of a portal...
GammaBlog has more photos and video from Saturday evening.
Check out the 13 Portals
website for more info. Read more about Nicolina