Showing posts with label Odessa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Odessa. Show all posts

Friday, November 5, 2010

Now that the 'underground' grilled cheese guy has retired

The news came down yesterday that the "underground" grilled cheese guy had retired... heading off to the wilds of Midtown at an "American restaurant." (I still don't believe that this guy actually existed...)

In any event, this is all terribly subjective of course, but I'd still take a grilled cheese on Challah from Odessa any day...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meanwhile, at the Mars Bar...

Here's a photo that Slum Goddess took at the Mars Bar for another entertaining post... and she mentions that nagging rumor making the rounds that we just don't want to believe: The Odessa is going to close for good.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Man, I loved him in "Getting Even with Dad!"

Filming for the new HBO series "Bored 2 Death" is happening around the neighborhood...

Right now they're holed up in Odessa on Avenue A.

The show stars Jason Schwartzman and Ted Danson. When I took the photo of the flier the other day, two guys in their mid-20s were looking at it. One said something about Ted Danson. His friend replied, seriously, "Yeah, he was in 'Becker.'"

For further reading:
My Stalk-a-thon (Slum Goddess)