Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rooftop Santa baby

Avenue C and East Sixth Street via Bobby Williams...


An EVG reader passed along the above photo of the Pub Crawl Santa suit, noting with suitable disgust — "Fuckin' Ricky's!" (The photo is from the Sixth Avenue location. Both East Village stores have the suits in the window as well.)

Anyway, for a bargain price of $25 at Ricky's you can get yourself a genuine Pub Crawl Santa suit — hat, beard, pants, etc.

Of course, there's no price on your reputation...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A SantaCon warm-up?

In Tompkins Square Park this afternoon… The fellows told EVG contributor Derek Berg that they had nothing to do with SantaCon, which is next Santarday … Gotta be careful to be a Santa around here apparently...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A good sign?

Maybe some Santas have decided to retire in the face of all that political pressure about SantaCon… EVG regular William Klayer spotted this in the trash along East Ninth Street today… (And are Santa outfits recyclable?)

Previously on EV Grieve:
Local politicians call on SantaCon 'to adopt good-neighbor principles'

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Guess who's back in town?!

Yes! Finally! The iconic Trailer Park Santa is back on his familiar RV on East 14th Street and First Avenue… much to the delight of area children (and maybe one website blog person)…

Let the photos begin!

And what do you think he does in the off-season?

The trees have arrived outside the St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery as well…

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Today in photos of people dressed like Santa Claus on East 13th Street

At Second Avenue. Lousy photo, but I was afraid to get any closer ... in fear of being trapped into a pub crawl.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A few scenes from SantaCon 2012: Scourge of the city or good time had by all?

As you may have noticed yesterday... Heh. Lordy, I have more photos. Here are just a few from the East Village. You get the idea. Oh, you get the idea. Maybe I'll add more later.

[Photos via Baha]


[At Linen Hall on Third Avenue, via EVG reader Corina]


[At Tompkins Square Bagels]

Gawker had this post yesterday afternoon: Any Santacon Participant is the Worst Person in New York Right Now

And GammaBlog has more thoughts and photos (and a video) from the East Village yesterday.

Ho ho ho, who wouldn’t go?: The morning after Santa Claus terrorized came to town

[Spotted on St. Mark's Place]

[Spotted at Phebe's]

[Trailer-Park Santa still stands]

Our friends at EV Heave are out and about this morning. So far, there's only this. [WARNING: Do not click unless you really want to go to a site called EV Heave]

Miracle on East 14th Street.

Headline and photo by Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C via Facebook.

Saturday, December 15, 2012



Receiving all sorts of emails, tweets, etc. this morning with photos of the Santa-suit-clad partygoers beginning to form packs in the East Village ...

[Via Goggla]

[Via William Klayer]

The latest count on Facebook has 30,223 SantaCon attendees ... and that's separate from the Santa pub crawl that meets at the Village Pourhouse this afternoon... already hearing horror stories about the Santas. And this was before 10 a.m. Remember, once exposed to another Santa, the Santa virus begins mutating its host...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Here's where the Santas will be on Saturday (47 comments)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Here's where the Santas will be on Saturday

A reader sent along the zones for SantaCon on Saturday...

...and they are expected in the East Village between 4:30 and 7 ... "Have fun anywhere in the green zone," according to the directive. Pay no mind to us residents! You're just having fun!

Per the reader:

Although they have specific bars listed ... I imagine there will be Santas everywhere in the neighborhood. The other crappy thing is that the time frame (4:30-7:00) means that a lot of the Santa's probably won't go across to Brooklyn at 7pm and will just stay in the EV all night.


It might be nice to have a few places that volunteer to be "Santa-free zones" that could be publicized as safe places to go on Saturday.

I know that the Grassroots on St. Mark's won't serve any Santas... anywhere else?

Also, we understand that there at least two other separate Santa events here Saturday...

And noting the main photo on the SantaCon home page:

Monday, December 12, 2011

How was your SantaCon?

[Image created by Shawn Chittle]

So we heard a lot of negative anecdotes about SantaCon on Saturday. Actually, we didn't hear anything really positive about the whole experience. Several people chastised us in emails or DMs via Twitter about the good that SantaCon provides — that some of the bars that SantaConners visit donate a portion of their SantaCon proceeds to Toys for Tots.

Well, that's nice. Of course, it's difficult to tell who is actually taking part in the official SantaCon and who is simply wearing a Santa suit and being obnoxious.

On Sunday, we heard more grumblings about the Santas from various bartender friends and residents and ...well, a quick recap of some of the comments that we received....

Stephanie Ratcliffe said...
I don't think we'd complain if they dressed like Ramones.
DECEMBER 10, 2011 3:27 PM

Shawn Chittle said...
It would be great if they instead did a SantaCon at area hospitals, bringing small gifts and smiles to the children in pediatric ward. 

Little children, for whom Santa means so much. 

Little children, who are victims of cancer, fire, crime, abuse, and violence. 

Little children, for whom Christmas and holidays are really all about anyway. 

Imagine what good all these Santas could do. 

Until that day, this event is a colossal waste of humanity and a menace to society.
DECEMBER 10, 2011 3:44 PM

Anonymous said...
In a way I envy the revelers that is to say I sometimes wish I too could just indulge in hollow meaningless merry-making and have fun with it. But that is assuming the people are actually having a good time in their heart of hearts.
DECEMBER 10, 2011 4:00 PM

Alex in NYC said...
Maybe the concept of "SantaCon" was mildly amusing about a decade ago, but now it's just another abject display of fatuous douchery (see also Halloween). Pathetic and sad.
DECEMBER 10, 2011 4:14 PM

Anonymous said...
or you could just remove the stick from your ass, relax, and realize santacon is only one day a year.
DECEMBER 10, 2011 5:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Oh, for God's sake. Didn't we all used to love the E Village because people could feel free there to be weird? Now you're full of fear & loathing about people who are being weird in a way you personally don't approve of? Why don't you all just grow up — and move away to some gated community where everyone is just like you!
DECEMBER 11, 2011 1:11 AM

argie said...
This was a rough day! It also highlighted how many of these fraternity/sorority types have moved into my building in the last couple of years...there were 2 post-santacon parties going on here until very very late...uuuuggggghhhhh....I actually heard people chanting "Chug it! Chug it! Chug it!"

It's Sunday morning now. Hope they all have vicious hangovers.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 7:37 AM

LvV said...
Anon 1:11, regarding old vs. new East Village residents, I think the issue is that there is a big difference between being a true misfit or weirdo as a person, and acting "weird" for one day. 

Also, mass public drinking isn't really weird behavior, even if it's done in silly outfits. This type of event seems like a staple of fraternities/sororities and sports fans, two of the least-weird groups I can think of. What about SantaCon is strange or oddball or transgressive?
DECEMBER 11, 2011 9:09 AM

Anonymous said...
This infestation spread west as well. I had the unfortunate experience of running into many of them all day around Washington Square Park. 

The best part was when about four of them chatted around me and began to spray silly string on one another. 

One of the silly string victims got angry because he was on his phone at the time trying to find out where the next bar was and his fun dudes with the cool 'tudes were distracting him.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 10:14 AM

Anonymous said...
Anon 1:11: This is not "weird" in the great way the E. Village used to be before yunnies arrived, but idiotic. And illustrates how brainless assholes with no imagination or creativity to be authentically "weird" and interesting have taken over the neighborhood. Yesterday was like a bad acid trip.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 11:08 AM

Her, Suzanne76 said...
i ditto a wise sentiment posted earlier in this section: 


and i live a few feet off 2nd avenue...but i realise it is the only option to save the east village.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 11:43 AM

LiberationNYC said...
Binge drinking en masse dressed as Santa and letting a Twitter account dictate your destinations isn't weird, it's the most uncool thing I can think of. 

We shouldn't have to move to the suburbs or a retirement community if we don't like it - THAT'S WHY WE MOVED HERE. To GET AWAY from people like this.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 11:59 AM

HippieChick said...
Grieve, I think that was because SantaCon seemed so much more widespread and intrusive and loathsome this year. Or maybe it just seemed that way because I had to be out in it, stuck in a cab on Second Avenue, with drunken Vandals in Santa suits some fit all too well and staggering chicks in elf costumes that they really should NOT have been in pounding on my cab trying to get in. I fended them off with my cane (yeah, try walking through that vomitous morass of louts with a cane and boot due to recent injury and having them practically knock you over...NOBODY stood politely aside and one little blotto bitch practically pushed through me coming out of Village Farm...I blocked her until I had finished screaming at her and then stomped her foot with my cane) and wished it had been a sword. It's bad enough when we're kept captive in our own apartments on weekend nights by the drunk peeing vomiting hordes, but this is outrageous. Next year...pepper spray! Hey, if the fuzz can do it so can I.
DECEMBER 11, 2011 4:10 PM

Meanwhile, just 362 days until SantaCon 2012.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, but it just seemed longer

Photos by Bobby Williams.

One down, 24,793 to go

[Dave on 7th]

Santa down this afternoon on Avenue B between Sixth Street and Seventh Street...

And how is your Saturday afternoon?

A little bit ago on Second Avenue at Ninth Street...

Thanks to A. Sasaki for the photos...

Santa swarms

[Via Dave on 7th]

Reports are coming in from everywhere. Swarms of Santa. Everywhere. One resident asked to send in reinforcements of people not dressed in Santa suits. Just wait till sundown!

And thanks to Jen Doll at the Voice for asking my thoughts on the day of terror Santa thing.

You can read the piece at Runnin' Scared here.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa meets the naughty

Yesterday, we noted this welcoming Santa outside The Boys' Club on East 10th Street at Avenue A...

...and this morning... dunno who to blame for this Kringle crushing. Bored kids? Holiday haters? Some of the collective group of morons barhopping last night?

Hope that he at least made his list and checked it twice.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa, baby

Outside the Rite Aid on First Avenue. Photo by Bobby Williams.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Here comes Santa Claus.... right down Avenue A, sort of

I was the only one who noticed a man in a Santa hat sitting near a holiday movie ad today. A reader submitted the above shot...