BoweryBoogie has been all over the sad story of Cinema Nolita on Elizabeth Street. [Oops! That's Mulberry!]
As Bryan Waterman notes:
Cinema Nolita is one of the last of a dying breed: a video store that not only still stocks plenty of VHS tapes (much to the delight of my 13-year-old daughter, who has a huge case of technological nostalgia) but has a large and varied DVD collection that leans toward classics and foreign while still covering all the requisite new release bases. Perhaps even more importantly, it's the kind of store where knowledgable employees remember your name and call up your membership before you get to the counter, and where they remember your rental history and taste and may even warn you away from a turkey...
Bryan says they need about $8,000 to cover expenses to keep going.
To help!
Anthology Film Archives is hosting a benefit screening, TONIGHT at 10 of EV Grieve favorite -- Abel Ferrara's "Bad Lieutenant" starring Harvey Keitel. Ferrara will be there for a Q-and-A and discussion after the movie.
Maybe you can ask about this scene!
The Lieutenant: [to Jesus Christ] Mutt! You got something that you want to say to me? You fuck! You ratfuck, you ratfuck! Here's your... What? Say something, I know you're just standing there. What am I gonna do? You gotta say something! Something! You fuck, you fucking stand there and you want me to do every fucking thing! Where were you? Where the fuck are you? Where were you? Where the hell were you? I... I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I did so many bad things. I'm sorry. I tried to do... I try to do the right thing, but I'm weak, I'm too fucking weak. I need you to help me! Help me! I need you to help me! Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me, please! Forgive me, father!
Anyway! On Monday night, there's a musical benefit, featuring the Beets, the Virgins and an Animal Collective DJ at Santos Party House. More details over at Patell and Waterman's History of New York.