Post had a "Haunted New York" feature on Halloween on well, haunted haunts around town... Per the article: "
'We live in the 'most haunted city in America,' according to CUNY history professor and 'Ghosts of Manhattan' author Phil Schoenberg." Among the listed haunted locales: McSorley's and St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery. All fine urban legends.
Meanwhile, speaking of haunted... a few months back a reader asked me what the deal was with 222 E. 13th Street... right across the street from the
Mystery Lot... The reader mentioned that he or she heard the long-abandoned house was
haunted. And if I knew anything about its history.

I don't know much about this address...
the DOB lists "Esglad Housing Development Corp." as the owners. A
complaint to the DOB dated May 1, 1989 notes that the "recent firebombing of building damaged front hallways and possibly first floor beams."

Anyway, I'm throwing this one open ... Anyone know more about this address? Seems as if it has sat empty for about 20 years...