As first mentioned here, two diners entered Verso, the Italian bistro on Avenue C and East Eighth Street, on Sunday night ... the female diner sat down and removed her top. She sat bare chested while the man with her took photos. Owner Labinot Baraliu promptly asked the two to leave.
Here's more about what happened.
East Village-based professional photographer Allen Henson contacted us. He was in Verso with Cheyenne Lutek, a model.
"It was an impromptu photoshoot. We did two that night," he said. "The first establishment loved it and interacted, the other, well — we weren't there long."
Here are the results of the first restaurant, which declined to have its name used with the photos. "They had fun with it. So did the patrons."

And here are images from Verso...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Female diner decides to go topless last night at Verso