[A baby hawk practices yesterday via Bobby Williams]
They grow up so fast! (Faster than Hanson.)
The baby hawks arrived on May 8 (May 10 for the third egg) up here on the Christodora House on Avenue B and East Ninth Street. And the latest nest cam photos from Francois Portmann show that Christo and Dora's offspring are ready to start driving, dating and using fake IDs to get into bars...

[Photo by Francois Portmann]

Francois figures the young ones will be ready to fledge starting at any moment.
What might happen? We'll turn to Goggla, who has been following the hawks from Day 1. She wrote this in a post last Thursday.
I'm hoping they fly out and land either on the rooftops across 9th Street, or in the trees of the park. They'll likely be on the ground, though, so if anyone sees the birds seemingly lost on the ground, it's probably going to be ok.
In case the young hawks end up on the sidewalk below on East Ninth Street or Avenue B ...

[Click on image to enlarge]
And now a flashback to May 16...

Visit Gog in NYC for many more excellent hawk photos.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House
The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House
More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House
Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents
VIDEO: Watch the baby hawks of Tompkins Square Park dine on some rat