Sunday, August 28, 2011

B Cup is open

And no line! Avenue B and 13th Street. Let us know what else is open in the comments... Photo via faces.

More storm damage

Second Avenue near Fourth Street.

A shot of another downed tree in Tompkins Square Park

On the Seventh Street side. I believe three came down in total during the storm. Photo by @diyaj

Irene churns up world's largest condom in East River

Now in the Hurricane Irene Lost and Found

A reader spotted this near the Avenue C loop of Stuy Town...

Post Irene, East River looks pretty much the same

As Dave on 7th notes, the garbage tells the story. Water level got to promenade level here along East River Park.

O'Hanlon's sets up 'Emergency Boredom Relief Center'

On 14th Street near First Avenue. Via @CeaseTheDay


Irene creates historic lines for Mud Coffee

on East Ninth Street ... and it wasn't even open yet notes @marytom

And from John Marshall Mantel...

East River, 11:30 a.m., Aug. 28

Photo by @nsanchis

Quelling looting on Avenue B

Photo by Dave on 7th.

3 downed trees in Tompkins Square Park

That was the early word this morning from the people milling about who seemed to know what they were talking about... Dave on 7th has some photos...