Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double noted

"Robert Pattinson's new movie, which is tentatively titled Remember Me, began filming in New York City this afternoon. As an exasperated crew member was overheard complaining, 'They might as well call it Paparazzi and 'Tweens, 'cause there's more of us than them!' It was a fair statement considering how the crowd had swelled substantially (a rough estimate of 200) outside of NYU's Silver Center of Arts & Science, after fans had texted and called their friends to get to downtown Manhattan." (Entertainment Weekly)

"I came all the way from Las Vegas for this!" said 26-year-old Patricia Galas. "I've been here since Friday and I leave tomorrow. I like his hair and his music. I really just want to ask him when he's playing next so I can see him live. I've read all the books." (OK! magazine)

[Diane Cohn/Fame Pictures]

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beaming up on the Bowery

I snapped a few shots Saturday of the beam action happening at 263 Bowery, just south of Houston. I must have just missed BoweryBoogie, who was there too. BB has more on what's happening here... and the progress thus far on the seven-story mystery project...

Albert Hammond Jr. finds someone else to buy his Third Street apartment

Cityfile has the story. Because he is your favorite Stroke. Or Fab. Maybe Nick? And it's OK if you say Julian. Or Nikolai.

This seems perfectly safe!

According to the description on YouTube: Red Bull Racing NASCAR driver Brian Vickers and his pit crew perform a full pit stop in the middle of Times Square.

The Evolution continues to evolve (sort of)

At Second Avenue and Fourth Street. Can't wait to see what the next incarnation of this space is...


Oh! Turns out that I don't have to wait long.... Hunter-Gatherer, still pursuing the Bennigan's dream, happened by and saw some serious renovations under way. As he reported:

It looked like a fairly serious change as the interior has been gutted and the exterior walls have come down. As I queried the construction worker regarding the future tenant he said, “evolution”.

“Really”, I said, “what’s the concept”?

“Flair”, he replied, “flipping bottles, fire tricks…you know, bringing a Las Vegas style bar to New York”.

“Wow, sounds great”, I replied……..thinking that the description sounded vaguely similar to the former ethos of the hallowed halls of E4volution/2X4/Ambiance…

And from the HG Photo Department:

I said this in a comment over at HG: Seems the problem before was the concept, not the bar. So the owners decided to gut the bar and keep the concept?

Yankee Plywood

If you watched any of the Yankees-Mets game on Fox Saturday afternoon, then you probably several shots inside the old Yankee Stadium.

[Via the Demolition of Yankee Stadium Web site.]

I have no idea what was said: With McCarver and Buck in the booth, I had the TV on mute.

It was my understanding that all the seats were being removed (and sold). In any event, if you walk around the old stadium, as I did early Friday evening when I took the following shots, then you'll see what seems like miles of plywood...it now surrounds the old stadium. Wasn't this way during my last visit.

And it seems as if more than seat removal is taking place...

For further reading:
The Destruction of Yankee Stadium Web site

Save Gate 2

The Yankee Stadium Redevelopment Project

Previously on EV Grieve:
With high rises and new shops in the works, it's time to take a look at the area around Yankee Stadium

At the new Yankee Stadium

Meanwhile, across 161st Street...

The Spiderman sightings continue

I continue to read about Spiderman sightings in the neighborhood. The most recent sighting came over the weekend on The Wednesday Weekly, who reported: "Spidey had just gotten off the L Train from Brooklyn (I thought he lived in Queens...) and appeared to be heading somewhere in the East Village."

[Photo via The Wednesday Weekly]

MeikMeik has also noted Spiderman's presence... and Apa Chu... and Michael’s posterous ... and Hypernova ...

[Photo via Apa Chu]

And, might as well play this again...

DBGB signage as pretentious as you'd expect

DBGB opened June 5 on the Bowery... in case you haven't seen the etched signage on the windows of Avalon Bowery Place.

To make matters worse, when I was standing there, one of the etchers yelled, Quel imbécile! Mais qu'est-ce que tu fabriques?

OK, that's not true. But I wish it was!

A quick look inside Keith McNally's new joint on the Bowery

On the topic on high-profile new restaurants on the Bowery... Been some time since I've heard any updates on Keith McNally's new place at Bowery and Houston... there's a whole lot of plywood there to keep the snoops at bay...but the other day, a worker left the door open...

...just for a moment...and this is what's going on inside...

Bread and Butta needs more bread

It seems as if the problems continue for aspiring eatery Bread and Butta on Avenue C near 11th Street.

Reader DianeB passed along these photos... According to her: "I saw the notice, $12,200 in back rent due. This is the third non-payment notice in about 8 months. If this place actually opens a buttered roll and coffee will have to sell for $19.99 to take care of all the debts piling up."

Things that you will be able to smoke on Avenue B

Thanks to reader Elliot for passing along information on the former Lhasa Boutique on Avenue B between Third Street and Fourth Street.

We now have a photo of the store's new signage... The Exclusive Smoke Shop.

As Elliot noted: "It looks like there's already a good selection of bongs on the shelves inside."

Sunday, June 14, 2009


According to a Web site called OMG!: "We get it Gaga; you have great legs. Now, do us all a favor, and get yourself a real pair of pants."