Monday, June 14, 2010

Say hello to Kumo Sushi

Here's your weekly update on what's happening to the former Cookout Grill space on First Avenue and 13th Street... the signs are now up...

Say hello to Kumo Sushi... and Kumo Sushi, say hello to the neighborhood...

and, well, they're replacing the Cookout Grill sign of course...



...but we're holding out hope that CG mascot will continue to watch over the 13th Street entrance...

A bit of East Houston Street's history disappears

Back in December, I was pleased to see a faded sign on the side of the Mercury Lounge get exposed...

However, given the Mercury's recent paint job, the Shastone Monuments ad was likely a goner... Indeed, it has been wiped away...

The Mercury Lounge opened in 1993. Prior to that, Shastone Monuments -- part of Houston's once-thriving gravestone industry -- called this space home for nearly 60 years. You can read more about Shastone here at Mr. Beller's Neighborhood.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Some faded ad glory reappears above the Mercury Lounge

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Avenue C, 8:16 p.m., June 13

Avenue C, 4:26 p.m., June 13

CBGB company files for bankruptcy protection

I missed this news from Friday evening ... The Wall Street Journal has the story:

CBGB Holdings LLC, which two years ago purchased the name and copyrights associated with Manhattan’s legendary punk-rock club CBGB, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Friday.

The company, reported assets and debts each in the range of $1 million to $10 million in its bankruptcy petition, filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan.

CBGB Holdings’ founding partners, James Blueweiss and Robert Williams, as well as the company’s bankruptcy attorney, weren’t immediately available for comment. The company didn’t say in court papers why it filed for bankruptcy protection.

[Image via.]

Is the MTA hip to this Internet meme?

Caroline McCarthy at CNET notes the following:

This week, an alteration in New York City transit signs to address forthcoming route changes have placed an unfortunate Internet acronym on a heavily trafficked subway station: Displays that list the color-coded subway services running at the 14th Street-6th Avenue underground station now display a bold "FML."

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, or MTA, may or may not have been aware that this is an acronym for "f*** my life," a profane exclamation of disgruntlement that arose in Web forums, in text messages, and on a popular blog several years ago.

[Photo credit via Digitalisms]

Saturday, June 12, 2010

[Updated] Help a neighbor find a lost ring

From an EV Grieve reader:

I lost a ring in the East Village yesterday, probably on Second or Third Street, walking from Avenue B to LaGuardia Place in the West Village. I lost it between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. It's a gold band in a distinctive chain pattern, and I'm offering a generous reward upon return...

It has been found!

World Cup fever on Avenue A?

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Ryan on Avenue A for this shot ... Outside Gracefully around 2:24 a.m. last night/early this morning...kicking around a watermelon?

Street Fair!

On Third Avenue from 14th Street to Sixth Street...

..with plenty of the usual food options... something for the post World Cup crowd pouring out of Nevada Smith's...

Avenue A, 8:49 a.m., June 12

A World Cup theme at MARTE today

We wrote last Saturday about MARTE, an upscaley flea with, per their website, "new and antique jewelry and furniture, local artists, food vendors, and entertainment." It's at PS 63 on East Third Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...

And, because we have another month of the World Cup... there will be soccer-themed treats today ... and the U.S.-England match (game?) will be playing there .... no word on beer sales!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Into the Death Valley

NYU showcases John Penley's photos online

Last year, neighbor activist/photographer John Penley donated his extensive photo collection to the NYU Tamiment Library.... And now, the library has posted an online exhibit of his work from Tamiment's John Penley Photographs Collection ... such as the one above from 1994... a police assault vehicle evicting squatters on East 13th Street....

You can access the whole collection here.

Report: Burglar busted after dropping stolen passport

Here's an item of interest from the NYPD Daily Blotter in the Post today:

Cops busted a bone-headed East Village apartment robber after a passport stolen from his victim fell from his bag, authorities said.

A cop in plainclothes witnessed Mark Perlov go into an apartment building on East 6th Street near Second Avenue Tuesday just after midnight, cops said. Perlov allegedly began knocking on apartment doors, then finally picked a lock. Fifteen minutes later, the suspected prowler walked out of the building with a purple laundry bag, and the cop saw a passport fall from the sack, sources said. Inside the bag, police found an e-book reader, a digital camera and a laptop computer belonging to the victim whose apartment Perlov had pilfered, cops said.

He was charged with burglary and possession of burglary tools, said a spokesman for DA Cyrus Vance Jr.

[Imagine via]