Monday, July 16, 2012

Late summer opening date now for Union Market

We continue to watch the northeast corner of Avenue A and East Houston... where workers have been renovating/rehabbing the space for a new Union Market. Various construction issues have delayed the opening, once set for last fall.

Here's the latest, via an email sent to residents of 240 E. Houston:

The contractors for Union Market have nearly completed their foundation work and are moving quickly forward to build out their interior space. The store's exterior work is scheduled to commence in the next week and the UM owners will be installing new brick, full-height glass panels, and a clean, continuous signature awning that should give our Building a much improved look!

In addition, unlike the previous Commercial tenants, the UM contractors will be weatherproofing all seams, to minimize the street-level erosion that occurred in the past. This Board is partnering with UM to make certain the 240 east Houston entrance to our residences is clearly delineated.

The current goal is for a Grand Opening in late August or early September.

We understand the East Village storefront will look similar to the Seventh Avenue location in Park Slope...

[Via the Union Market website]

Previously on EV Grieve:
About Union Market coming to Avenue A and Houston

Mid-summer now at the earliest for Union Market on Avenue A and Houston

35 Cooper Square is looking pretty awesome

We were, of course, saddened to see the demolition of the historic, circa-1825 building at 35 Cooper Square in May 2011...

At the same time, we are enjoying what has taken its place — an empty lot that continues to attract an array of graffiti. And some new work went up in the last few days...

Perhaps this can become our own 5Pointz ...

The 8 Rs outside the former Cabrini Center

East Fifth Street at Avenue B.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Cabrini Center patients out by the end of today; closes for good June 30

Water cafe now open on East 10th Street

Back in May, we pointed out the signs for Molecule, the incoming water cafe on East 10th Street between Avenue A and First Avenue... Several readers told us that the cafe, which sells "hyper-filtered, perfectly pure, eco-conscious" water and various related supplies, is now open.

Unfortunately, it wasn't open for the day when we went by...

We'll stop by at some point. Anyone else try it?

Losing another Mystery Lot

Catching up with some news from late last week... The Lo-Down reported that an unknown buyer has purchased the two vacant lots at 327 and 329 E. Houston St. for $8.4 million, as well as two adjoining parcels at 331 E. Houston and 163 Ridge St. for another $4 million.

Of course, the Mystery Lot off East 14th Street/East 13th Street will soon be a new development too...

It's part of the portfolio that belonged to reclusive real-estate baron William Gottlieb ... The lot has been empty for seemingly eons ...

[File photos via EVG]

Venus and Jupiter over the Con Ed power station

Avenue C and East 14th Street around 5 a.m. Shawn Chittle, who took the photo, also sent along this handy map ...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dueling Tompkins Square Park signs on Avenue B at East 10th Street

Earlier today at Union Square

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Shredding it on East 12th Street

Spotted by Shawn Chittle on East 12th Street between Avenue B and C this afternoon.

We have collected all of the paper, and will put it back together to see what it was. Before completion in 2017, any guesses what these documents were? (No serious replies please.)

Chico's Healthy Choice gates

Chico is keeping busy... fresh off the former Nice Guy Eddie's plywood project ... today, several readers spotted him at work on the incoming New York Healthy Choice market at Avenue C and East 11th Street....

[By Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C]

[EVG reader David]

The last tenant, the Monk Thrift Shop, closed in December 2010. At the time, neighbors heard that a bank branch would open here.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Monk Thrift Shop is closing — but, it remains open for now

2 signs of summer on East 12th Street

Near Avenue B.

East Village Radio celebrates Johnny Thunders, who would have been 60 today

Via our friends at East Village Radio ... this afternoon at 4, "Jesse Malin will be celebrating the life and legacy of Johnny Thunders. Malin will be playing the music of Thunders, born John Anthony Genzale, Jr. on July 15, 1952, as well as the artists and sounds that inspired the Queens-born singer and songwriter."

Thunders, an original member of the New York Dolls, died in 1991.

Find more info (and videos) here at East Village Radio.

If you want more Johnny Thunders, then you can check out the annual Johnny Thunders birthday bash tonight at Bowery Electric.