Sunday, July 22, 2012

This afternoon — 'The East Village Experience'

Open reading from 2-4 at the Sam & Sadie Koenig Garden on East Seventh Street just east of Avenue C...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

BRAKING news: EV Lambo is BACK

Major! Goggla spotted our long-lost friend on St. Mark's Place earlier today...


Earlier today in the fountain in Washington Square Park

Photo by Bobby Williams.

Silver Man in Union Square

And there's a Silver Man sighting today... he'll be walking from NYC to Los Angeles in August to raise funds/awareness for autism.

Via EVFlip

This morning in Union Square

Per EVFlip: "While others have moved onto newer, sexier issues, the EV's Catholic Workers stand silent and hooded to remind us of the President's broken promise to shut down Guantanamo Bay."

Aiko's finished product on Houston and the Bowery

Just realized that I never posted a shot of Aiko's completed mural on the Houston/Bowery wall...

...and using the annoying "pop art" setting on the camera...

...and on the Bowery side from last week...



Seems like a really lousy time to have a film called "Safety Not Guaranteed" in theaters. At the AMC Loews Village 7 on Third Avenue and East 11th Street.

(The time-traveling comedy was released on June 8.)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pills 'n' Thrills

The New York Dolls on German TV in 1973... with "Pills" & "Trash."

This afternoon outside 100 Avenue A

Photo by Bobby Williams.


[Updated] Reader report: Fire in the Union Square subway stop

There are reports of a fire in the Union Square subway stop... no word how extensive this might be... possibly contained to one small area on the south side of East 14th Street outside the Duane Reade ... am posting tweets/photos as people post them to Twitter...



Updated 1:17 p.m.:

Per a witness: "Word on the street is electrical converter on fire underground at Union Square."





Updated 2:49 p.m.

Per Gothamist: "Con Ed says the fire at Union Square is out, and was caused by 'failure of electrical cables.'"

Report: Stuy Town full of fire code violations

Here's a story that merits widespread coverage... The Stuyvesant Town Tenants Association's new survey finds fire code violations in all but four of the complex's 110 buildings. Tenants Association volunteers recently inspected the buildings to check on things like building maintenance and cleanliness and what they found were a whole lot of fire code violations. Cut to the report:

"The survey, conducted in late spring by Tenants Association volunteers, discovered instances in all but four buildings in which fire doors do not close properly, in violation of Fire Code requirements that fire doors be self-closing. The TA has brought the survey results to the attention of Fire Commissioner Salvatore J. Cassano and Sean Sullivan, General Manager of ST/PCV.

In addition to the findings on the doors, the TA’s volunteers noted buildings that were missing floor indicator signage in hallways, on stair doors, and in stairwells; standpipes that were locked and chained; piping passing through holes larger than the pipes themselves creating a path for fire and smoke to travel; and what are unsafe and non-code-compliant window safety panes, such as plastic, in the fire doors themselves."

A FDNY Fire Inspector described the failure of self-closing doors as “extremely dangerous, because it could fail to stop the spread of fire, and especially smoke, to other areas of the structure."

To make matters worse, they found evidence of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use in the stairwells as well as indications that people have been using stair landings to relieve themselves and their dogs.

Anyway, at least they have a snappy new cafe!

Read the full report from the Tenants Association here:
Over 580 Fire Doors Are Found Not To Close In Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village

Building study reveals fire code violations (Town & Village Blog)

Will people still be able to sleep on the sidewalk near David Schwimmer's house once he lives there?

Whenever I walk by the incoming Schwimmer Estate on East Sixth Street in the morning, I usually spot some people sleeping on the sidewalk two doors to the east... in front of the new cafe that's opening...

As far as I can tell, they are travelers... likely around just for the summers, of course. But other people who have camped near here have been a little more permanentat least when they weren't going to Rikers.

Anyway, once the Schwimmer Clan moves in, do you think they'll be OK with people sleeping so close to their million-dollar home? Maybe that's part of the flavor of living here? Or perhaps he'll have the 9th Precinct keep the area free of any sidewalk sleepers... sending them up the block...

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

And here's how the Schwimmer Estate was looking as of yesterday....

[Bobby Williams]