Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunday's parting shot

View of the Ukrainian National Home on Second Avenue today. 

ICYMI: The Times interviewed Ukrainians in several neighborhoods, including the East Village, about their reactions to Friday's spectacle in the Oval Office.


teamster said...

really awful optics by zelensky; refusing to accept peace and advocating for war. This is not complicated. NATO expansion, at this point, is only about provoking conflict and exacerbating the situation. it is wrong. he was rebuked.

anyone who doesn't see that has TDS. or more

ev resident said...

Zelensky is a hero. He is the only person who is brave enough to stand up to Trump, who tried to bully him. He is looking for security for his people.

mike said...

NATO a most successful DEFENSIVE alliance in world history and is the only reason all of Europe is protected even tiny countries like the Baltics. Only reason Kremlin doesn’t want Ukraine to be part of NATO because they want to have an option to completely wipe Ukraine off the map. Kremlin openly stated this many times and this was the reason for invasion. Kremlin wants Ukraine to be a puppet state with no no army, and no independent international policy. It’s up to the people of Ukraine with whom to align not up to dictator in Kremlin. If Ukraine was in NATO this war never would have started.


"really awful optics by zelensky; refusing to accept peace and advocating for war."

Putin's MAGA lapdog says what?

Slava Ukraini!

BTW all of you "Republicans" who voted for Trump, Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave.

j said...

Zelensky was the only leader in the room. He stood up to the rehearsed mob extortion spectacle the Fragile Don and his trained by Peter Theil nasty pug dog of a VP put onfor their master Putin. At least it got the European leaders doing exactly what they should. Apparently Sump’s US is an axis power.

teamster said...

zelensky is saying this war is far from over and two million people have died. if NATO had peace as the goal, I'd be all for it. Forget the messenger for a second and think about that!
This administration is largely headed by former Democrats, Trump included, so spare me your outrage. The war needs to stop, it is making the world a more dangerous place.
Trump was willing to make a deal for peace, not more weapons and soldiers, contrary to the EU leaders. This is fact. They are advocating for more conflict
This Administration is opposed by many, the media-industrial complex, as well as within our government, as was seen on Friday. Let's wish the peace process well, and think about the millions who are under siege at this very moment. That needs to stop. Right away. I support whoever wants peace, now, not ten years from now. Kinetic wars go one way- they get worse.

Have a great day, everyone.


"Trump was willing to make a deal for peace,"

You MAGAS are something else. Hey "Comrade", please answer me this, who started this war?

Хорошего дня.

afbp said...

wow---2,000,000 people have died on which side?

teamster said...

NATO pushes for taxpayer money to both plan and instigate conflict, and asks for more. 2 million have died (1.5 million at least) fyi^. awful and unnecessary!