Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spot wants liquor license; promises not to attract "inebriated college kids or troublesome drunkards"

Upscale dessert spot, uh, Spot at 13 St. Mark's Place opened last fall... and they're looking to obtain a liquor license "to add dessert wines and mixed drinks to compliment" their Spot desserts... (They're looking for a license within a resolution area...a block that already has like 22 liquor licenses...) So management put up letters around St. Mark's Place to reassure residents that they won't become "another bar"... you can click on the image below for a better read.


pinhead said...

Hey! Inebriated college kids and troublesome drunkards enjoy an occasional sweet just like everyone else! Discrimination!

Gar said...

This is truly unethical and a dishonest method to increase the signature list.

glamma said...

i hope someone takes a whiz on their letter. you can cut through that bullsh*t with a cake knife, it's so thick! shameless.

EV Grieve said...

@Pinhead. Ha! Classic!

@Glamma Well, I think you lose your 10% discount if you pee on the flyer!

VH McKenzie said...

So they are essentially BUYING signatures for their petition. They'll give you a 10% discount FOREVER if you sign.

I expect that's illegal, no?

Anonymous said...

As a troublesome drunkard, I resent this.