EV Grieve readers are helping to crack this case: who is responsible for leaving the C-4 here? And everyone here seems to be taking this rather seriously:
East Village Eats said...
Insurgent (by which I mean B&T) dead drop from one of those pesky helicopters that were around all summer.
LiberationNYC said...
Hipsters. They were half way through building their bombs and suddenly lost interest. They were all like, whatevs, shrugged their shoulders, and walked away.
dmh said...
EV Grieve said...
Hipster zombies!
glamma said...
i thnk it was those crazy teabaggers.
Lori E. Seid said...
I think Angelina Jolie stashed them after filming Salt!
pinhead said...
Demolition Smurf.
Anonymous said...
Leftover from when cheap shots made truck bombs.
Marty Wombacher said...
I think it was EV Lambo. Dumped the junk from her trunk and vroom, off she sailed. Notice how she's been keeping a low profile lately?
Anonymous said...
benign nothingness madeover into newzzzzzz
Anonymous said...
Sarah Connor left it there in hopes that her son, John, could use it to fight the machines in the future.
There were also some actual plausible explanations there too.
Hells Angles's
Nailed it!
Nicely done, Pinhead! You get a complete set of The Hardy Boys books....
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