Someone posted this to YouTube today … it's a brawl of sorts on St. Marks's Place near Second Avenue … the YouTube description: "Held It Down: Man From NYC Is Outnumbered In A Fight But Comes Back & Stands His Ground!"
The video is not too recent. The 7-Eleven is still open across the way … and the sidewalk shed remains outside No. 32 and 34 …
So it you want to watch some testosterone in action …
This kind of shit is always disturbing to watch however did you hear someone suggest more drinks was a good solution to ending the conflict.
Old school meets new school
So you don't only report on street violence in the area, you're now promoting it??? Is the posting of this old video your idea of "click bait"? I'm ashamed of you.
Fairly clean fight. No gang beat down.
Those little frat douchebags trying to act tough. Felt so good to watch the little frat douche get punched hard. Assimilate, if you want to come here.
and what was this fight about.....?
Anyone who works and lives in the EV knows these little shits roam in packs on the weekend and make it uncomfortable for everyone. Violence sucks but IMHO the main guy was fully in his rights to punch the crap out of each one of them. Maybe if they got spanked once in a while they would ease up on ruining the neighborhood.
I'm glad you posted this. People need to see what happens here on weekend nights. Big thanks (FU!) to all the politicians who helped turn us into Bourbon Street!!!
Young wild west got what was coming once he threw the first shove.
And what idiot in what bar was offering free drinks to these four? So they could take the problem into her establishment?
This is the fault of the State Liquor Authority and the Community Board #3. They are busy handing out Liquor licenses right and left in a neighborhood that is overflowing with alcohol. When the alcohol runs as freely as it does, so will the blood. As a resident of the EV for over 35 years I say...bring back the junkies. At least they didn't start fights. They just robbed you. The drunks are far more of a problem as they outnumber the former junkies by 1000 to 1 on any given night.
required viewing for all NYU and columbia douchebags. you wanna start some shit you better throw a good punch or you gonna get your shit rocked
To anon at 9:21am
This is why I take a taxi home from work on Friday and Saturday nights. From Chrystie/Rivington to 1st&6th. $7:00 keeps the frat boys out of my face.
If you do not know how to punch don't even try it. A real new Yorker will absorb all your fratty suburbanite slaps and come back with wallups. Luckily for those punks they messed with a decent guy and didn't taste the box cutter.
I dont know what video yall fools watching. As much as I hate NYU kids, this looks like a drunk dude trying get his man on with a bunch of scrawny kids who didnt want to fight and wanted to be left alone. Big man was pretty lucky the little white boy wanted to fight fair and let him go after he was on the ground, could have finished him off with a rnc, or kept ground and pound.
12:43, telling me to STFU. Wow, internet tough guy! Real impressive!!!
You wanna play...you gotta pay.
Next time kids, get yourself a sixer and go on home, this is no place for you.
Did your wounds heal?
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