[The actual hottie with broccoli]
From today...
hottie with broccoli - w4m - 25 (East Village)
you were walking through the east village with broccoli casually tucked in your backpack. I knew we were meant to be, but you turned before I gathered the nerve to say something.
We should share our mutual love of broccoli. I could tell you a few of my secret recipes.
I wonder what makes her think this particular M is looking for a W ?
I know the type...I had a girlfriend once that just wanted my brussels sprouts.
Shut Up, Hooker.
Those pants are so tight I doubt he would be able to father any of her children.
looks like some kind of stain on the seat of his pants
She may want to reconsider. Broccoli produces the stinkiest farts! Hence, I stopped eating Broccoli a decade ago.
Cauliflower? Talk to me girlfriend.
Broccoli is so yesterday; and if she's tired of it, she can have my asparagus spear.
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