[EVG file photo]
Back in April workers removed the damaged Moishe's Bake Shop sign (in the middle of the night) in order to repair the facade at 115 Second Ave. near East Seventh Street.
Yesterdays, workers put the new sign in place under the watchful eye of owner Moishe Perl, as these photos by Derek Berg show…

Perl told WPIX that the sign sustained damage following the deadly gas explosion on March 26. "We got a violation last week that it’s shaking. We have to take it off and fix it," Perl told the station on April 20.

Previously on EV Grieve:
After midnight, workers remove the Moishe's Bake Shop sign (19 comments)
What lies beneath the Moishe's sign
Moishe's has a new (temporary-looking) sign
Looks good.
home made kosher
at least they're not going for the hard-sell advertising language:
home-style kosher
Compared to the old sign, this one seems a little two-dimensional.
Mazel tov Moshe! May you have much hatzlacha!
A big ups for keepin' it real with the sign! Beautifully done.
So, no longer 'homemade'? Who's making it for them?
Go buy a sugar kichel. And maybe an almond horn. And onion rolls.
Echoing 9:24, I have to say while it's nice, it does lack the depth of the original.
Now clean the windows!!! The graffiti that has been on the windows for the last 15 years is both ugly and not kosher.
i'll be the party-pooper! i will miss the old-school font and raised individual letters! but i'm sure this sign will be easier to maintain and i hope it means Moishe's will be around for a long, long time.
For those saying the new sign lacks "depth" - imagine how much worse it could be?
A the graffiti should stay as it keeps the fussies away: "THEY USE WHITE FLOUR?!? Oh no no no no no no no!"
What does "homemade" mean anyway? Does anyone think that the breads and cookies were being baked in a one family home in Borough Park, Brooklyn, and being brought to 2nd Avenue? I think Moshe's owners were lucky to get a sign done in such a short period of time. As with everything connected with change / modification in the EV, everyone will have an opinion.
Moishe's: They know from homemade!
When I asked about the new upcoming sign, they said it would not be the same, but they were going to try to keep it similar. I guess they've fit the bill.
As someone else said, it could sure be a lot worse.
Now. off to get my chocolate dipped almond horn.
Now get rid of the awfull graffitti...
When are they replacing the vandalized windows?
Yes ! Please clean the windows!!
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