Stephen Colbert makes his "Late Show" debut tonight... perhaps that was incentive for someone to tear off part of the Colbert poster on Second Avenue and East Seventh Street... or maybe it was one of the ads that included the "Free Kim Davis" scrawl...

CIA lapdog - putting l'il John Ellis on the first show...
Bad plastic surgery/Photoshop nightmare. These hideous female eyelifts make all television men look like absolute tarts. Have you seen Dr. Oz lately? How can anyone take any of these men seriously when they all look like Judge Judy?
Free Kim Davis LOL. Kim Davis the bigot who broke the law by not fulfilling her sworn oath to do her job moreover violating federal law. Fuck her "religious freedom" when she's trampling on the freedom of same sex couples to get a marriage license from her.
Perhaps when Kim Davis gets hitched for the 5th time someone will deny her a marriage license based on their political beliefs.
Does anyone else dislike Colbert's band?
I hate to say it but Colbert won't last long. His brand of humor, delivery, and intelligence is wayyyy over the heads of most viewers. He makes you think and most late night talk show viewers don't want to think, they want to veg out, see the newest movie being hawked, make fun of whatever actor/actress is hawking it (Ethan Hawke comes to mind on the making fun of front), hear all the jokes about the most popular and obscure of events e.g. Trump. I wish him all the best but I don't see him making it with mainstream audiences. He looks, talks, and sounds weird to them. We'll see. Again I wish him all the best.
Anonymous 2:58, Did Ethan Hawke come to mind because you said "make fun of whatever actor/actress is hawking it"?
This must be what the NY Times meant when they said NYC is a "conservative bastion".
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