[Photo by Lola Sáenz]
Since it arrived late last year after some Con Ed work on East 10th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue (roughly outside The New Theatre Building) ... several readers have asked what that air raid-looking thing is ...
There's also one on Great Jones near Lafayette...

So! Anyone know what these are? (Excluding popular comments beer store! and Amy Schumer)...
Thanks to the readers for the answers! it's a Con Ed pipeline pressure regulator/vent.
It is a ConEe pipeline regulator/vent.
And my whole life I thought they were air raid sirens!
- Mark on 11th
Lady Flocka. Then again she ain't no lady. So, just L. Flocka.
PolePC is the latest innovation by LinkNYC. The company finds old CPUs on the streets, ties them to poles, and offers a fun, retro experience of Windows 95.
Location Scout Daleks....
prepping for the new Dr. Who NYC-based series "The Landlord Oblivion War".
The L.O.W MF's clothing line will be available soon.
Yes, they are Con Ed gas pipeline pressure regulators/vents
I like the double hat on top - very Art Deco-ish!
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