[Photo by @chwhat]
Among the East Village residents voting today at the Theater for the New City on First Avenue — 105-year-old Tekla Husiak. Photographer Christina Holmes (find more of her work here) said that Husiak was out to cast her vote for Hillary Clinton.
You go girl!
Hells yeah. Susie B Anthony would be so pleased.
We are with you Tekla!
This made me cry. What a wonderful photo, what a wonderful lady, what a wonderful day. Thank you, @chwat and Grieve, for sharing.
Well done, Tekla Husiak! You are an inspiration!
Yes she did, and it was a beautiful sight!
A nice lady indeed.
I broke with my anarchist principles and did a write in for
Mickey (P) and Minnnie (VP) Mouse and registered for the Mouseketeer party.
I saw numerous people in wheelchairs at Theater for the New City. I myself was on crutches with an Achilles tendon ripped off the bone (surgery next week) because nothing was going to keep me from voting for our first woman President.
Erm, please walk back the part of my above comment where I reference "a wonderful day". How very wrong I was...
We owe this woman a apology. Particularly you, Bill.
Welcome to Trumpland, where Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner can now proceed full steam ahead with his hostile takeover of the East Village. From 9/11 to 11/9, America has veered from one epic disaster to another. The only question is how long it will take to recover this time?
No new posts today from EV!!!!
Yes, we are very sad..........
I have flu-like symptoms, IzF. (I didn't heed those Duane Reade warnings!) I think this might be the first time in EVG history where I didn't have any posts for a day. Not sure when I will bounce back at this point...
Hope you feel better soon, EV.
How about some of Veselka's chicken soup? That works wonders.
Thanks for all your good work.
Feel better, Grieve, if such a thing is even possible in the new world of Trumplandia we have just entered. Giovanni, I am guessing we are in for two decades of an unrecognizable America - with both the House and the Senate staying in Republican hands and a Republican president that will get to appoint at least one Supreme Court justice and who knows how many judges, and who has already promised to roll back Obama's work on health care, the environment, the Iran nuclear treaty, and God knows what else, it's going to be - unknown territory for a while. Like the old seafaring maps used to say when they didn't know what else to put in strange lands, Here There Be Monsters.
Hang in there EVG. A lot of us, while maybe not clinically infirm, are feeling pretty lousy today.
Here's a list of protests going on in the city tonight, including WashSQ and UnionSq :
Get well soon EVG.....and America. NEVER say die!
I was worried about you, Grieve! Sorry you're sick, but glad you're still out there. I remember how you even managed to post from the dark zone after Sandy.
Rest up, we love you!!!
Where's our drug?! EV, the blog of choice!
I echo all those get wells. I also assumed that you were feeling like so many of us today.
Hope you are feeling better soon, EVGrieve - but please rest up and don't push yourself. As we absorb the shock of this election outcome, I think we all need to take it a little easy and be good to ourselves.
Get well soon, EVG!
Gojira, I like your map analogy -- well said.
Thank you for the well wishes... still feeling pretty lousy ... obviously I'm not a viking!
feel better soon, Grieve! <3!:)
phew! you still have your sense of humor... feel better.
xo from a viking who never gets sick, but has once had the flu and now gets flu shots.
To Anonymous at 10:42 AM;
Why do we owe her an apology? Why do I owe her one?
I see no disrespectful comments.
Because we failed her, Bill. The nation failed her. This woman may be old and she may be frail but she did what a lot more able bodied people chose not to do, and that was vote, and as a consequence the nation is now stuck with this Mussolini wannabe for a president. This woman has had her life, her past, and she doesn't have too long of a future ahead of her but she still took the time -- her time -- and invested it in your future ... and we failed her. That's why she's owed an apology.
But moreover, you failed her, specifically, for treating such an important duty with utter carelessness and cavalier disregard. You squandered your chance to help make a difference and now we must all suffer for it, one way or another. It would have been better if you had just stayed home and betrayed America with your absence than having you make a mockery of our democracy by voting for Mickey Mouse because now we're stuck with Donald Duck.
I mean, come on. Mickey Mouse? Pluto, I could see, but Mickey? Shame on you, Bill. Shame.
Yeah, nice going there Bill. I mean really.
My parents taught me to respect my elders as well as our Democracy, a lesson not everyone seems to have learned.
We failed her? Exactly how? Hill won NY state and the overall popular vote. You should be bloviating about the so-called electoral college,
not how "we" supposedly failed her. If everyone reading this blog had stayed home, the results would have been the same with Hill getting a few popular votes less than she did, but no change in her state total.
Btw, I did a séance with Yogi Berra, and he told me he wrote in Mickey Mantle. So MM got at least 2 votes.
"Never use a preposition to end a sentence with." Yogi
Finally crawled out of my fetal position and am still in shock. Hope you feel better, Grieve. This has all been sobering for sure. The first thing Trump should have done was apologize for the vicious campaign and his abhorrent actions, behavior, and speech.
I loathe how we're all supposed to harbor all this respect for him a day later because he's the President-elect when he hasn't done or said one thing to earn our respect or our trust. It belittles the office of the presidency, not to mention how women, minorities, and immigrants are feeling now.
And why now give away the right for Dems to filibuster? I don't get it. Anyone read the first 100 days doc? The environment is toast.
Bill (Traitor to Humanity and Little Old Ladies ("LOL!")),
First thing, Yogi should stick to baseball and being dead. English isn't Latin.
Secondly, your point about the Electoral College is well taken, but only when it works against the candidates that I dislike, in which case the rules are the rules and democracy and USA.
Oh, and not only do you owe this lady an apology but you own Yogi an apology for writing in Mickey Mouse and not Mickey Mantle. Seriously, do you have no respect for anyone?
@1:36 And the shock doesn't feel like it's going away anytime soon. I was talking to someone today and the topic of identifying Trump supporters came up, like, how can we find out who these people are? Because they need to go somewhere. How can we allow all these uneducated, racists, misogynists, immigrant haters, there aren't enough words for these people! just roam around free to say nothing of determining the direction of our country! This white guy stuff 24/7 has got to stop. We need to come together and vow not to cooperate in this process anymore unless we're given a female president or a minority president. And we can revisit that if the female is a republican and when whites become a minority! Stop the madness people. Get educated. Come on.
Anonymous 2:45 PM.
The rules apply to all candidates, not the ones you like.
Government is a crock anyway, as is voting. Your vote didn't make a difference.
Get with anarchy.
Look up Murray N. Rothbard's essay "The Anatomy of the State."
It's online.
Just for the record, I was hoping Hillary would win, because she would take us back to the Nixon era. Tricky Dick uttered the greatest line by a president, "I am not a crook." Hillary could repeat it because she too is a crook. Our crook. The trumpinator is their crook.
3:19 PM: I'm not cooperating until there's a Jewish president.
See how silly that sounds?
Bill, are you five? Anarchy and Mickey Mouse? Come on!
There's the rothbardian-fantasy, and there's the trumpian reality we all live in. Do your part. Anarchy ain't happening. For better or worse. There's a system, albeit a shitty one, and you got to learn to work it. That's what we have to deal with. And it just got a lot shittier for so many.
(Also, that you didn't find Minnie fit for prez says so much.)
Anonymous at 11:14 PM
Stop being a statist and get with liberty, which means everything outside the maw of the criminal organization known as the State.
A neighbor I passed said it best when I asked him who he voted for:
"It doesn't matter. I'm going to work tomorrow." He's right.
Think of it this way. There are two ways to make a living. Production, i.e. voluntary exchange, which is what the market is, and depredation, which is what the criminal organization known as the State does. That's how boyclinton.con, Obummer, Rosie Mendez and others in the parasitic caste known as government make their living--by stealing from the taxes paid by productive people who work in the private sector.
As an example, 'bama takes, what?, $400,000 annually from taxpayers, and repays, let's say, $150,000 or whatever on April 15. He doesn't pay a dime in taxes, let along $150k. Rather, he steals on net $250k, not to mention the taxpayer-funded Big House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue at Washington SC (Sin City), and all the other taxpayer-paid perks such as Air Farce 1, getting driven around in a taxpayer-funded limo, etc.
Say what you will about the trimpinator but at least he works in the private sector, so he's not a pure public parasite like Clinton.
He pays taxes instead of consuming them like Clinton does.
Bill, anarchist, producer, and tax payer
The only problem with Libertarianism is that it's predicated on this fantasy called "The Free Market." When do you think the last time a free market prevailed on this planet? And yet all I hear libertarians says is, "In a free market ..." You don't even know what a free market looks like. There hasn't been a free market in your life time.
The reality of the matter is that to "stop being Statist" and to "get with liberty" means overthrowing the Statists and becoming the Statists in their stead. That's how you get with liberty. You don't think the people at the top of the Statist pyramid are free? It's their game, baby! They make the rules. They steal your productivity with magic words (backed by guns, of course) in the form of currency that they invented! That's some serious freedom right there. The world is winners and losers, masters and servants, and has been since man climbed out of the ooze, Mr. Beale.
@8:11PM - that doesn't sound silly at all. Given that the Jews are arguably the most oppressed people in history, having suffered one pogrom after another, been quarantined, ghettoized and viciously slandered, and who still have managed to rise to the top of our professional world, whether it be in medicine or law, Nobel prizes for science, media, entertainment (RIP Leonard Cohen), I find it immensely troubling and suspicious that we haven't had a Jewish president yet. So, yeah.
The free market is not a fantasy. It does exist in microcosm, as when you go to your local supermarket and buy something. It's a willing buyer and a willing seller.
If libertarians overthrew the State (fat chance), we would not re-impose statism.
Who is at the top of the statist pyramid? Putin and Obama? Couple of criminals.
Btw, Iceland had free market anarchy in its early history. There is a book it.
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