Thursday, October 10, 2024

Baseball bats, fisticuffs and broken windows: A bonkers fight escalates as man drives car onto the sidewalk on 3rd Avenue

East Village resident Ethan Minsker was out walking his dog this morning at 8:30 when he came across a fight in progress on Third Avenue between 12th Street and 13th Street. 

"Two men fighting over some kind of car thing," he wrote in an Instagram post

Minsker provided a narrative to the video below: 

"The guy in the purple took out a baseball bat and beat the other guy on the street. The guy who got beaten with the baseball bat jumped in the man's car, drove it on the sidewalk and messed it up. Then he got pulled out of his car and retreated to his own car. And the guy broke the side window." 

The fight happened very quickly, Minsker said, and the police were not yet on the scene during this video... but several other bystanders were shooting video as well...


Anonymous said...

On my way to work this morning I saw this car on the sidewalk with a police officer looking into it and thought to myself, What the hell happened? And then I come here and you have the whole story. You're amazing EV Grieve!

Anonymous said...

So to sum up: more low-value males having violent emotional outbursts in public

Anonymous said...

Guess they don't get enough love at home.

Anonymous said...

They should run for office.

Curious said...

That one guy deserves some kind of punishment pairing that purple shirt with a tan vest!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking just the opposite, his taste in fashion is way better than the other guy's. But all in all, they both had put much thought to their fighting attire, and so I salute them for that.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a Darren Aronofsky set!

Edmund J Dunn said...



Anonymous said...

Sign of the times: a half dozen people filming, no one tries to break it up. Gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

You can clearly see at least two guys tried to intervene but stayed back to avoid being run over. These days you can't even try to be a good Samaritan without risking your own life, so I don't blame people for hesitating to get in between an already clearly heated to the point of unhinged argument.

Anonymous said...

At least this didn’t happen in the bike lane. God forbid!