Construction continues at 132 E. Seventh St. at Avenue A... at the residential portion above Niagara... (work started back
in April) ... DOB permits point to "facade repair" on the building.
A resident here shares a little about the ongoing construction this summer...
I got home from work [the other night] to find that the construction crew (who themselves have been notably professional and diligent) had left their ladder set up. Since the scaffolding went up, we have had two incidents of strangers scrambling their way up and wandering around on the scaffolding after dark and that was without a handy ladder.
And how have the renovations been going?
When they started construction, they (again with no warning) entered all of our apartments and started to cut holes in our ceiling. After we stacked and moved all of our belongings and furniture, they continued by putting anchor bolts and plates through our walls. Ostensibly this was to reinforce the existing structure; however, in conjunction with the "roof patio" they have built and the in-wall a/c units they are insisting on installing, it's our (the tenants) guess that they are looking to either flip these into more "luxury units" or more aggressively, try to add another floor on top.
Also, we got bedbugs after they cut the holes in the ceiling.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Straight to hell: Keeping a watchful eye on the Joe Strummer mural