Workers yesterday removed the sidewalk bridge and scaffolding from the Avenue A side of Steiner East Village here between 11th Street and 12th Street.
Aside from providing a mostly full reveal of the 82-unit condoplex ... it marks the first time in 19 months that Harry and Ida's Meat & Supply Co. hasn't had its entrance and sunlight obscured by the construction gear...

As the owners of the sandwich shop and retail outlet posted on Instagram: "Good riddance. We will not miss you one bit."
In total, 19 of their 29 months in business have been under the doom and gloom of a sidewalk bridge... not to mention all the construction noise that went with it, often seven days a week.

[Photo from Oct. 7]
It hasn't been all bad for Harry & Ida's — they were able to open a luncheonette in the Financial District last month.