Showing posts with label mysteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mysteries. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This open, airy, East Village studio seeks $2,600 a month

Unit has bright floor-to-ceiling fencing throughout. The hard floors and stainless steel finishes complete this great unit. Have a summer move-in with spring pricing! Call the leasing office today. Close to restaurants, shopping, subway. Students OK.

Sooooo. Thanks to EVG reader juan TRED for the description and photo... this thing arrived on East 14th Street near First Avenue last Friday. Probably some kind of construction storage thingy. Or is it? Anyone?

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What the hell was that?

We waited to post these photos until we spoke with NASA, NORAD, the U.S. Military and the World Weekly News.

Bobby Williams took these photos from his East Village apartment last night. Here is his description via email: "This flew by about 9:38 pm. Heading north then turning east."

Aside from anything related to the Hoboken Hoof or Amanda Bynes (just getting those guesses out of the way!), any ideas what this is/was?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Please explain

Spotted this morning on East 10th Street near Fourth Avenue.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What's with all the cabs parked on Avenue A?

That's what a reader asked yesterday after seeing cabs lined up on Avenue A the past few days... EVG regular Creature noted this too with the following three photos...

[From Thursday via Bobby Williams]

I didn't see all this myself... and really have no idea. Anyone know?

Updated: Thanks. Answer in the comments.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

That laser in the Jersey sky

EVG reader Brian Teasley sends this photo along... taken tonight around 9:15 on Broadway and Eighth Street looking west... is that a laser?

"It originates from the top of a building across from (approximately) the Chelsea Piers and the light is static in the sky. The beam is pointed south and diminishes in that direction. In the photo is appears blue-ish, but it looks like it is a very high-powered green laser. It has been on for at least 30 minutes or so ... and has not been observed on any other night."

Anyone have an idea what this is...?


Oh, a reader just said that it's a tribute to victims of Hurricane Sandy... read more here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Why is 41 Cooper Square dented?

For some reason, I was standing around Cooper Union's 41 Cooper Square the other day. I was on the east side of the building that faces Shevchenko Place/Hall Place when I looked up and... well. Is that a dent?

There are perforated panels and there are dents. Can't say for sure how long that it has been this way. I couldn't find a good photo of this... here's a dent-free image via Google dated August 2011...

Anyway. Any ideas what may have caused this?

Updated 8:14

In an email, an EVG regular figures the building is being used for stealth intergalactic missions, and a piece of space junk dinged the building on a return trip. Seems plausible.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Looking for the plane truth

EVG reader M shares this photo that he took last night around 7 in the sky over the East Village...

It's a little grainy... but you can clearly make out two planes... M first asked if we had heard anything about two planes. We had not. "I guess it was nothing...or at least nothing we'll ever hear about."


Here's a narrative from M: "They were both flying in the same western direction, with the trailing plane gaining on the front plane. When I lost sight of them they couldn't have been more than a football field apart. And both were at roughly the same altitude from what I could see I'd guess 10,000 feet, so not a photo op type flight."

Any non-Lady Gaga-related theories? Like, fighter jets?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Mystery Lot gates are open!

A reader walking along the 13th Street side of the Mystery Lot last night noticed that the gates were open... and the gates remain open this morning... now is your chance to go inside one last time, maybe ...

Unverified reader tip: A fight broke out in the street and spilled into the Mystery Lot last evening. Any readers know what happened here...? (Please let us know via the EV Grieve email.)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Those unnecessary new iPhone accessories

Thanks to EV Grieve reader Steve for this photo taken earlier in the morning at 10th Street and Broadway...

So it looks like we have:
• A pair of shoes
• A pair of pants
• A pint of whiskey
• A handful of toilet paper
• An empty iPhone case

I'm curious what happened next...

Friday, December 9, 2011

About that really loud noise around 14th Street and Avenue B last night

[Not last night. But it could have been!]

From a reader who lives in Stuy Town near 14th Street and Avenue B:

Just wanted to see if anyone else had heard or contacted you yet about this really loud noise I experienced last night. Around 3:30 am I woke up from a deep sleep to the noise of what sounded like a jet literally hovering over my area. I woke up my boyfriend so that he could hear it too and so that I knew I wasn't dreaming. This noise went on consistently for about a half hour.

They didn't spot anything out the windows... Anyone else experience this? I'm going with UFO. No crackpot conspiracies, please.

Monday, November 7, 2011

At Joe's Bar, a freshly painted gate, mystery and, apparently, roaches

On Friday evening, we walked by the now-closed Joe's on East Sixth Street — hopeful that one of our favorite bars had reopened.

A worker had just finished up painting the bar's front gate. We stopped and asked if the bar was reopening. The worker looked startled, and said, "I didn't have anything to do with it. I didn't have anything to do with it." With that, he hurried inside the adjacent building leaving us wondering, To do with what?

The bar is still closed in the eyes of the DOH. On Oct. 5, the DOH hit them with 71 violation points. The DOH returned on Oct. 21, and found improvements, though there were still 32 violation points. There are two listed sanitary violations on the DOH website ("critical" violations are displayed in red):
1) Live roaches present in facility's food and/or non-food areas.
2) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When did Ryan Gosling break up that fight on Astor Place?

So you probably saw the video yesterday of Ryan Gosling (or a lookalike!) break up that fight (or whatever you want to call it) on Astor Place ...

Most news outlets said that the skirmish occurred this past weekend... (The video was uploaded on Saturday.)

Several EV Grieve readers pointed out the following: The fight couldn't have happened this past weekend. Where are the Flaming Cactus on the light poles?

Ah, true!

Here's a photo that EV Grieve reader Stephen Popkin sent us yesterday... the light pole in question is the background... Look, zip ties!

Same corner, but a different angle on Aug. 10 ...

Again to a clip from the skirmish...

Workers put up the zip ties on July 30.

The description by Queen of Pinups on YouTube doesn't mention when the fight happened. Anyway, we're not trying to dispel Mr. Gosling's Dreamy McHunkster image here... just curious when this peacemaking occurred. Of course, there are some people who doubt that this is even Gosling... but that can be fodder for another post...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Origins of the Mystery Lot Monster revealed!

During the weekend, a mysterious creature appeared in the Mystery Lot off 13th Street...

Most people thought it was likely just a student art project ... or a prank. That's what THEY what you to believe. We noticed the usual entry points into the lot have been sealed. So how did this thing get inside?

Well, this one-time innocuous photo taken during the winter by EV Grieve reader Ann now offers conclusive evidence...

The creature was hatched from this pod that fell to Earth from parts unknown.*

[* "allegedly"]

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Mystery Lot is living up to its name!

During the weekend, a reader sent along this photo from the beloved Mystery Lot on 13th Street... Good lord! What IS THAT!?

We investigated...

We also dispatched EV Grieve Technologically Advanced Form of Extraterrestrial Life Correspondent Bobby Williams to the scene...

It's either:

A) An art project created from materials found in the lot
B) An impromptu shelter
C) A monster

Being rational, we definitely think it's a MONSTER.

We also got this upclose shot via James and Karla Murray...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Who is this dagger-carrying mystery man arrested in the East Village?

From the Post today:

Authorities have two questions for a bushy-bearded mystery man found wandering the East Village with a giant dagger poking out of his backpack back in March:

Who is he? And why did he (allegedly) have a loaded pistol, three more daggers, a stun gun, and a total of 305 additional rounds of ammo in his South Street storage locker?

James Edward O'Donnell, 39 -- that's the name and age he gave cops -- insists he's an American and a war veteran, but when his prints were run after his arrest on St. Marks, he came back with not only no rap sheet, but no drivers license, no Social Security number, nothing.

"This is a very strange case, in that this defendant has been accused of all forms of weapons charges and the people are absolutely uncertain as to his identity or whereabouts," Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Lewis Stone said today, as O'Donnell sat before him at the defense table.

Someone has to know this fellow...

Friday, December 3, 2010

We don't really know either

Weather balloon crashed into the new Edi & the Wolf, the Austrian Wine Tavern!, here on Avenue C near Seventh Street?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The mystery of the abandoned delivery bike in Stuy Town

EV Grieve reader Nixta sends along these photos of an abandoned restaurant delivery bike that has been locked to this tree in 4 Stuyvesant Oval in Stuy Town since.... Halloween!

Nixta notes there is now a Stuy Town "Remove your bike" notice... Still, questions remain!

So... what happened to the delivery person? How much longer will the bike stay locked to the tree? Who locks a bike to a tree?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Also last night on Ninth Street near Second Avenue...probably a logical explanation for this....