Showing posts with label rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rules. Show all posts

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome to New York

Earlier today on Avenue A, Kristen from Norway, spending her second day in NYC, was busking with an electric guitar on Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street.

After about, oh, 20 minutes, two police officers, driving in an unmarked vehicle, arrived on the scene. She was singing a song about Saturday, a pleasant alternative-rock (for lack of a better description) sounding number.

The officers waited until the song was over, then told her that she needed to leave.

She protested a little, explaining that she has busked throughout Europe the past 10 years without incident. The officers nodded and said that she was done for the day. She asked if she could play one more song. No. In a firm yet polite tone, they reiterated that she had to pack up and go.

As the officers returned to their car, several passersby explained to Kristen that the amplification was the problem in the estimation of the NYPD.

Did she have an acoustic guitar?


Could she play the electric guitar without the small amp?

No, it will sound weird.

She thought she could just move up to the next block.

Hmm, no — not a good idea. The officers will certainly drive by again … and probably issue a ticket for something.

Her haul this morning: Two single $1 bills, and a handful of coins that looked to amount to $1.50.