Showing posts with label typos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label typos. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2021

Letter perfect: City makes the MPH right on 2nd attempt

As noted, back on Thursday, city workers put down the roadside markings on the recently repaved Avenue B.

Unfortunately, as the top pic showed, workers transposed MHP-MPH along the Avenue's school zones.

However, as of this morning, the MHP-MPH has been corrected, as Vinny & O point out... 
Now, if the city will do something about the idling delivery trucks here... 

Thanks to Vinny & O for the top photo!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

On Avenue B, we're seeing firsthand what happens when the city disbands the DOT proofreaders

Updated 12/20: The city has fixed the MHP-MPH errors!

On Thursday, city workers put down the roadside markings on the recently repaved Avenue B.

EVG reader Krikor Daglian first pointed out the transposed letters in MPH < MHP.

Vinny & O (and several others!) then pointed out that the MHP is on the entire length of the Avenue, from Houston to 14th ...
Perhaps the DTO DOT intends this to mean Minimum Horse Power. (H/T John G. for that one!)