Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week in Grieview

[This week's lost and found]

What's coming to the former Mary Help of Christians lot (Wednesday)

Out and About with 85-year-old Jerry (Wednesday)

Longtime counterman at Stromboli Pizza killed in cycling accident (Friday)

Did Mel Gibson save St. Brigid's? (Monday)

Westside Market opening on Third Avenue (Monday)

Scenes of fall in the East Village (Tuesday)

Enjoy this video of the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black from Halloween (Friday)

Kids on costumes on Avenue B (Thursday)

Sushi Lounge closes (Friday)

The Beagle has closed on Avenue A (Thursday)

New building for East 13th Street (Monday)

Biscuit Empire opens (Wednesday, 64 comments) and runs out of stuff (Friday)

Lets go vaping on St. Mark's! (Thursday)

Wigstock lives for a day (Wednesday)

Schnitz planned for former Something Sweet space (Wednesday)

Good news for fans of the Odessa Cafe and Bar (Wednesday)

Village Joker now Augers Well on St. Mark's (Thursday)

East 5th Street Tree Committee as badass as ever (Monday)

Burglar falls 5 floors making a getaway (Sunday)

Batmobile! (Wednesday)

New 7-Eleven christened in the East Village

[Via @jimnobu]

Over at the new 7-Eleven that opened Friday on Avenue A and East 11th Street.

As EVG reader Cartknocker said, "Not sure what it means, but we can imagine."

...and via VH McKenzie...

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] The 7-Eleven signage is up, and someone has already spit on the front window (42 comments)

And how was your Saturday morning?

An East Village couple awoke yesterday morning to reportedly find a drunken man peeing in their bathroom sink.

To the New York Post!

It turned out the man was staying in another apartment in the building at First Avenue and East 13th Street. He was too inebriated to find the right apartment when he got home.

The couple whose apartment the man invaded called 911. But after cops showed up, they thought better of pressing charges.

The Post referred to the sink pee-er as "the drunken hipster."

[Bathroom sink file photo; not involved in actual incident]

There is a boycott 7-Eleven rally today

Via the EVG inbox...

Now that 7-Eleven has opened their East Village location, the community will be out in full force protesting 7-Eleven’s presence!

Why Boycott NYC 7-Elevens? The No 7-Eleven blog lays out the reasons here.

Image via the No 7-Eleven blog

Saturday, November 2, 2013

[Updated] Billy Leroy's Banksy

Just about two weeks since Banksy dropped his Grim Reaper Bumper Car on the former Billy's Antiques on East Houston ... Billy Leroy reports the following discovery earlier today at The ANNEX flea market on West 25th Street...

"The guy I bought it from found it late Friday night on East 4th Street and 2nd Avenue on the sidewalk. He is a professional dumpster diver and every week he puts out all his finds at the flea market ... needless to say he sold it to me for a very low's just such a coincidence that after all the bad mouthing I did on Banksy last week and here I am tooling around the flea market and, voilĂ , a Banksy appears ... Crazy."

Updated 11/3

Here's video testimony from the man who sold Billy the painting...

Sunrise and sunset today

Looking downtown from the East Village via Bobby Williams...

We can't top taking photos of East 10th Street

Take a Walken on the wild side

Just noting the recent arrival of "Christopher Walken Rex," the 16-foot creation in First Park... it's the work of some local teens. They have a blog, which you can find here. BoweryBoogie wrote about this back on Tuesday and has more details on how this all came to be.

The sculpture will be making the rounds in local parks around the city... so catch it here while you can...

[Sorry about that headline too. Been listening to a lot of Lou Reed this past week]

These adorable cats and kittens need homes


The folks at Social Tees Animal Rescue on East Fifth Street shared some news of new arrivals...

We rescued 10 kittens and cats from the euthanasia list (at Animal Care & Control) a few nights ago, and half of them arrived Thursday night! More are set to arrive. THESE KITTIES NEED HOMES!!! We are also pretty desperate for foster homes for cats and kittens. Fostering lasts a week or two, and for every animal we place in a foster home we can take another out of the kill shelter.

325 East 5th Street
5-7 pm weekdays; 12-4 pm weekends

And Social Tees is doing an adoption event today with cats/kittens at the Petco in Union Square from noon to 4 p.m.

Among the new arrivals...


[Julie, Jazmine and Jackie]

8 a.m. or so, Avenue A, Nov. 2

Friday, November 1, 2013