Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Room service!"

The Times has a piece on how hoteliers often turn to movies for design ideas.

For his largest Manhattan property — the Bowery Hotel, in the East Village — Mr. MacPherson turned to an even more surprising source: Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” (1980), a horror film that takes place in the Overlook, a fictional hotel in the Rocky Mountains. At the Bowery, “There’s a bit of the feeling of the Overlook — hopefully without the creepiness,” he said. “The idea is to create something that is old and grand and hopefully slightly bigger and more storied than its guests and owners.”

Mr. MacPherson relied on another Kubrick film, “A Clockwork Orange” (1971), when he chose elements for the Bowery’s bellman uniforms, which evoke the film’s violent hooligans.

Though the literal associations with the film might elude visitors, they will probably know that they are someplace visually distinctive, Mr. MacPherson said. “It’s very much as if you’re building a set and everyone becomes a character in the film you’re making there,” he said.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More on the Hotel Carter

(Photo by Jeffrey Docherty)

A few weeks back I did that post on the Hotel Carter being named the dirtiest hotel in America by TripAdvisor. This past Wednesday, Curbed had the goods on blogger Mike Barish, who spent a few hours there to see how bad it really is. He filed this must-read report:

So, is the Hotel Carter the dirtiest hotel in the United States? Not from what I could see. It's unkempt. It needs major renovations including new paint, carpeting, and lighting in both the rooms and the hallways. The bathroom tiles need to be completely replaced along with the vents. But overall, it's just not that disgusting.

However, it is the single most depressing hotel I have ever been in. In fact, it may be the bleakest place I have ever been. Period. The whole environment is joyless. The wan lighting wears on you after a while. It just makes you sad. The uninterrupted white walls offer no stimuli to keep your mind focused on anything other than the sadness of the room. If there was a sequel to The Shining about a hotel that made you despondent instead of insane, it would be filmed at the Hotel Carter.

Which brings me to today. A press release came through the transom from UrbanMaidGreen, an eco-friendly cleaning service on Union Square. They're offering "a cleaning to any couple spending their Valentine's Day in the infamous Hotel Carter." And. "We will send our staff to clean your room for free on Valentine's Day, to help get you out of the doghouse from your significant other."

Well, OK. Unlikely, but. Anyway, as Barish wrote, no guests are allowed at the Carter. Which means, presumably, no outside cleaning crews. Or hookers.

Graffiti watch

Earlier this week, CityRag had an appreciation of some NYC graffiti...with links to their older posts on graffiti around the city, such as in the East Village and on the Bowery...and LES.

Friday, February 13, 2009

For your Friday the 13th: The Freaks Come out at Night

All the way from Brooklyn.

Recognize anyone at the 2:00 mark?

Frivolous Friday week in review: "Be a dear and bring Nana her epsom salts"

What the hell. Former East Village resident Madonna appears in a 1,298-page spread in the March W with her boyfriend Jesus, who has his name tattooed on his back. The "Be a dear" line comes from a Goldenfiddle commenter upon seeing the photo spread of the 50-year-old Madonna and 22-year-old Jesus.

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Mr. Andre goes digital on Cooper Square (The Wooster Collective)

Anarchy on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place? (

Sign fun at Ray's (Slum Goddess)

The old Jefferson Market ready for action (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

DodgeBox on Delancey (BoweryBoogie)

Cheyenne now and then (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

"Enter into a place caught in a time warp:" A visit to Sam's Restaurant on Court Street (Eat It: The Brooklyn Food Blog via Gowanus Lounge)

Update on the Third Avenue tumor (A Fine Blog via Curbed...previously on EV Grieve)

Lehigh graduate, who's now a real-estate agent, offered advice to Lehigh students thinking of moving to New York: "Renting in New York City is a little bit different than renting from friends you knew in South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania," he said. "The entire process from one to ten is definitely quite different from renting anywhere else in the United States." (The Brown and White)

At the Jamaican Dutchy (Reggae Music...hat tip, Karate Boogaloo)

Arm of New York

Let me be honest here. Just for a moment. I found this shot on my camera awhile ago. I don't remember taking the picture. I don't remember who the arm belongs to. I just know that I really like the tattoo. That is all.

The Post changes the back page headline

One of those unfortunate horrible combinations of front and back-page headlines...a late-evening tragedy bumps the original Page 1 story...the back page is already set...everything happening so quickly....The Late City Final is here....

And their online version...

Apartment ads of the week

(Uh, virgin apartment? I know what they mean, but...)

(Yes, I'm 14 years old...)

People really seem to like the new Custo Barcelona ad campaign!

Spotted at 70th Street and Columbus Avenue.

Because nothing says "I love you honey" this Valentine's Day more than a Carmen Electra stripper's pole

At Ricky's, Third Avenue near 14th Street.

Kiss me you fools

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Happy Valentine's Day! A day early. (And if anyone can explain this to me...)