Friday, February 17, 2012

No. 158 (or so) and counting for McSorley's

Happy belated 158th (or 150th) birthday to McSorley's today, who celebrated by having members of the New England Patriots on-hand...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Happy 155th birthday, McSorley's (or not)

Talk to you later

The English Beat with "Too Nice To Talk To" circa 1982.

Clearview's Chelsea Cinemas showing 'The Bodyguard' at midnight this weekend

Buy tickets here.

The theater is at 260 W. 23rd St. between Seventh and Eighth Avenue.

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[The Bowery, photo by Bobby Williams]

Does the Ukrainian East Village Restaurant have the best potato pancakes in the city? (Fork in the Road)

History of the endangered Bialystoker Home for the Aged (Bowery Boys)

Ed Sanders at Boo-Hooray Gallery last night (Village Voice)

Past, present and future of the Delancey Underground (BoweryBoogie)

Lots of thoughts on the new Empellon Cocina on First Avenue (Eater)

CB3 joins fight to save Bowery newsstand (The Lo-Down)

Solving a Television photo location mystery (Flaming Pablum)

Where ya peen?: The Standard goes full frontal again (The Grumbler ... more thoughts and photos on Curbed)

L train not being kind to bars and restaurants in Williamsburg (Gothamist)

Speaking of Williamsburg: Drinking at Redd's (Tripping With Marty)

NYU faculty want more administrative transparency on pending gym demo (NYU Local)

And if you're in Boca Raton anytime until March 15, check out "Low Fidelity - The Photographs of Bobby Grossman 1975-1983" (The Sun-Sentinel)

[Bobby Grossman]

Is this the final Starbucks sign on First Avenue?

Marjorie Ingall sends along this photo from First Avenue and East Third Street ... She asks a fine question: Is this signage temporary or will Starbucks keep the stenciled look for that rebellious East Village feel?

Previously on EV Grieve:
Today's sign of the apocalypse: Starbucks taking over The Bean's space on First Avenue and Third Street

[Updated] Coen Brothers back in action on East Ninth Street

Well, after yesterday's rain delay... the grounds crew is pulling the tarp off the field and...uh, removing those not-very-1960sish-shoes from the trees...

The above "Inside Llewyn Davis" photos from East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue are via EV Grieve reader Lulu...

And via @melissa0sue ...

...and @StarkOnline ...

... and via @delcecato ...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Coen Brothers want to dress up East Ninth Street

Today in looking at David Schwimmer's in-progress mansion

The construction crew at David Schwimmer's new place at 331 E. Sixth St. is making a lot of progress, at least based on this aerial shot by EV Grieve reader weigone... this photo is from Wednesday...

...and from Feb. 1 ...

Some neighbors, who say they have put up with horrendous noise from the site in recent weeks, are curious about the box-like structure in the top photo — elevator shaft? Indoor BBQ pit? Vault? Panic room?

Boarding up 21 E. Second St.

A three-alarm fire involving 140 firefighters broke out late Tuesday night at 21 E. Second St., a six-floor apartment building between the Bowery and Second Avenue...

Yesterday, Bobby Williams notes that workers were on the scene to board up the windows. The Red Cross is currently offering temporary housing to the 30-plus residents who were displaced from the fire.

The stained-glass windows at St. Brigid's

Have you seen the newish stained-glass windows at St. Brigid's here on East Eighth Street at Avenue B?

Meanwhile, as you may have noticed outside St. Brigid's in recent weeks, there are a handful of union picketers...

Matt LES_Miserable spoke with the picketers last week ... and they claim that "the contractor is paying poor wages and using non-union labor." As The Villager points out this week, they are protesting against DanMar Electric, the subcontractor of record, doing all the electrical work on St. Brigid's — not this specific construction site.

Speaking of The Villager, Roland Legiardi-Laura files a lengthy piece on the good, the bad and the ugly of the 164-year-old church's renovation process. He also provides the history of how we got to this renovation phase.

Per the article:

So what do we have to look forward to after 164 years of striving? A really fine initiative that is probably a million dollars shy of becoming one of the best church restorations this city has ever seen: a living example of history, community and philanthropy combining to right a wrong that had been done to a neighborhood and a parish...

The crane event at Hyatt Union Square

Well, over here on Fourth Avenue and 13th Street... outside the incoming Hyatt Union Square, we can expect a bigass crane here on the dates below... we love cranes... and photos of them...

We think that they mean Feb. 18 and not 16. Since we didn't see a crane yesterday. In any event. No word on whether the crane will be lifting into place the hydroponic bamboo garden.

This is what an empty lot on East 11th Street near Avenue B looked like on Feb. 12, 2012

This year, we'll post photos like this of various buildings, streetscenes, etc., to capture them as they looked at this time and place... The photos may not be the most telling now, but they likely will be one day...

The third annual Two Boots Mardi Gras Ball is Tuesday

From the EV Grieve inbox ... This year's Mardi Gras king is writer-actor-performer-Warhol-star Taylor Mead... Living Theatre founder Judith Malina is queen ...

Two Boots has announced details of their 3rd annual Two Boots Mardi Gras Ball, a benefit for the Lower Eastside Girls Club to be held on Fat Tuesday, February 21, at NYC’s Le Poisson Rouge.

The Ball is produced and underwritten by Two Boots, with all proceeds going to support the Lower Eastside Girls Club.

The 3rd Annual Two Boots Mardi Gras Ball is Tuesday, February 21 at Le Poisson Rouge, located at 158 Bleecker Street between Sullivan and Thompson Streets. Doors open at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 a piece when purchased in advance – buy tickets now here; ticket price is $25 at the door. VIP tickets are available for $100 and include open bar until 10 pm, catered food by Two Boots and reserved seating.