Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kafkaesque construction delays cause anger at The Neighborhood School on 3rd Street

[EVG photo from Monday evening]

The three-year renovation of The Neighborhood School and PS 63 on East Third Street between Avenue A and First Avenue has reached a boiling point with parents and nearby residents.

And now the aptly named Kafka Construction, the company behind the renovations, which include asbestos removal, have been removed from the job.

Members of The Neighborhood School’s Health and Safety Committee issued a statement dated today:

After parents of The Neighborhood School (PS363) and The Star Academy (PS63) elementary schools gathered 600 signatures in just two days on a petition alleging three years of health hazards at their schools created by ongoing construction work — including rodent infestation in classrooms, homeless encampments at fire exits and drug paraphernalia and human waste at the school’s entrance — the NYC School Construction Authority (SCA), on June 13, terminated Kafka Construction’s contract. The company’s completion date over the three-year period had been postponed twice, and they showed no signs of intending to complete the work or caring about the ramifications.

The co-located elementary schools ... have been covered in scaffolding for three years, blocking all sunlight into classrooms and creating a neighborhood eyesore. Local politicians and DOE officials who toured the schools in early June were shocked by what they found. It was enough to compel the SCA to take “drastic actions,” firing Kafka and bringing in an emergency contractor to complete the work, ostensibly by the beginning of next school year.

Parents could no longer keep silent when they discovered that each morning before school started, school administration had been forced to clean hypodermic needles, vomit and feces, found on the premises, before the children’s arrival. This was a problem created by the ongoing scaffolding surrounding the building which created conditions for all kinds of undesirable behavior after school hours.

The school’s cleaning efforts didn’t prevent used syringes from being found during a daytime fire drill or by an after-school group playing in what is left of the school’s yard, which is largely covered by construction equipment.

The flower boxes in front of the school, which once housed beautiful plants, are now rat infested, as is the area behind the school where construction equipment is stored. The entire building now has a problem with vermin, and children have been known to shriek when they see a rodent scamper across the room during class.

Parents are relieved that Kafka has been fired, but remain concerned and skeptical that their kids will have a facility that is safe and an appropriate learning environment by September.

And here are some photos supplied by the parents...

[Syringes found against school wall during a fire drill]

A Kafka rep declined to comment to the Daily News.

Meanwhile, a resident who lives adjacent to the school sent along a few photos and commentary...

"We have had our lives turned upside down by this nightmare. It's been going on for over three years now and every year we're told the same thing. It will be done in August," the resident said. "We've called Kafka numerous times to complain. One particular instance...Kafka told us the project was delayed because they had to order a special kind of terracotta and it was only made by one company in California! They also told us to think of what a beautiful building it's going to be once it is completed. I'm sure the terracotta cost more than the teachers got in raises in the past 10 years or so.

"They could have build three new schools in the time it's taken them to renovate this one."

In early May, the artist JR and his Inside Out Project visited the school. The portraits of the students from Inside Out were then used to liven up the plywood on East Third Street...

[EVG photo]

[EVG photo]

The Kafka workers recently tore down the photos and tossed them in the dumpster. [Updated: The school had to remove the posters. The Department of Sanitation was going to levy fines for every poster, according to a parent. "Obviously frustrating but for an entirely different reason," per a parent.]

Per the resident: "You can name the post 'Dumpster full of children's tattered dreams of this project ever getting completed.'"

According to the Daily News, Department of Education officials are looking to secure a new construction company to finish the job. Officials are banning the Queens-based Kafka from taking new jobs with the city School Construction Authority for at least two years.

1 more in-store concert for Other Music

As you might expect, the selection at Other Music is starting to thin out a bit leading up to its last call on Saturday after 20 years in business.

However, there are still a lot of new releases available. (I like the new Psychic Ills ... I also picked up Thee Oh Sees: Singles Collection Volume Three.)

Despite the impending closure, there's still a relatively upbeat feel to the store, that it still has a purpose... unlike, say, Kim's Video & Music on First Avenue, which plodded along on a death march in the summer of 2014. A fixed closing date would have helped. (Add St. Mark's Bookshop to the slow, painful death march list.)

Meanwhile, there's one more just-announced, in-store performance on Tuesday, ahead of its farewell show at the Bowery Ballroom.

Here are details via the EVG inbox:

The final Other Music in-store performance will be with our good friends 75 Dollar Bill, at 5:30 on the 28th. One of our very favorite NYC bands, with a beautiful new album just out, we can't think of any better artist to bring to a close our 20-year in-store series.

And then we take our music to the streets! After the in-store, 75 Dollar Bill and the incredible Matana Roberts will lead us on a march from Other Music, across 4th Street, down the Bowery, to the Bowery Ballroom on Delancey. We want to celebrate 20 years of New York City music and arts culture with all of you, and we hope that whether or not you have tickets to the Bowery show, you will join us for this free event — let’s show NYC that music still matters! We will start gathering at Other Music at 5:30, and the parade will begin moving at 6:30, with Matana’s crew taking the lead, and 75 Dollar Bill bringing up the rear guard after their in-store performance.

The owners of the store at 15 E. Fourth St. between Lafayette and Broadway have cited rising rents and the changing face of the music industry as reasons behind the closure.

MSNBC has a report from Tuesday on Other Music here.

And at The New Yorker, Amanda Petrusich files an appreciation titled Why Record Stores Mattered.

An excerpt!

The store’s stock has always tended toward the abstruse. For many years, it was the only place in the city (and maybe on the East Coast) where you could find copies of great but commercially unpopular records: free jazz, certain strains of world music, Krautrock, long forgotten folk balladry. I bought my first albums by otherwise-unclassifiable artists like Arthur Russell and John Fahey at Other Music. I later read from my book about obscure 78 r.p.m. records there. Uncommon but extraordinary records were offered prominent shelf space, and serendipity was always in the air. Station yourself before the bins labelled “Out”—“Out” in the context of Other Music implied either intrepid or foolhardy experimentation, or maybe both—and see what calls to you.

Finally, some former OM staffers are also filming a documentary of the place... if you have anything to share...

Funkiberry-replacing pizzeria revealed on 3rd Avenue

Well! EVG reader Daniel sent along this photo from yesterday afternoon, when workers put up the signage for the new pizzeria coming to Third Avenue and East 12th Street.

As we noted a few weeks ago, workers said that the former Funkiberry would become a pizza place.

Anyway, as you can see, it's a Gotham Pizza. We're familiar with the name (there are several in the city), though we've never tried the pizza. Perhaps you have?

Before serving up FroYo here for nine months, the address was home to several pizzerias through the years... including more recently AAA (New) Amici Pizza ... and via a ghost signage reveal, Lawrence & Paul's Pizza & Restaurant...

[Photo by Dave from 2014]

And then there was the ghost signage under the Lawrence & Paul's Pizza & Restaurant ghost signage for Luigi's…

[Photo by ~evilsugar]

But there won't be any Funkiberry ghost signage some day. It's in FroYo Signage Heaven.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Stuff that you can't make up: More FroYo for the East Village

Ghost signage uncovered on Third Avenue and East 12th Street

DOUBLE ghost signage discovered at 88 3rd Ave.

Hey, the Funkiberry sign is up on 3rd Avenue

Hey, Funkiberry is now open on 3rd Avenue

Hey, the Funkiberry space is for lease on 3rd Avenue

Hey, the Funkiberry closed on 3rd Avenue

Hey, the Funkiberry space will become a pizzeria (again)

Stuyraq Swim Club now ready for the season

[Extell Lake photo from December 2014]

On East 14th Street, Extell Lake between Avenue A and Avenue B is now just etched in our memories, visions of endless nights hanging out at Blarney Cove Cove and having fun despite not even enjoying local access yet to rolled ice cream.

The foundation work has taken care of the issues with the underground stream that fed the cleansing springs of Extell Lake.

However, through the miracle of nature, we can now head one block to the west for a new watering hole ... at the Stuyraq Swim Club ...

[Photo by Brett W.]

Work continues at the former Peter Stuyvesant Post Office, where there are currently approved plans for an 8-story, 114-unit (23 affordable, 91 market rate) mixed-use building here... and workers have struck water.

Reps for the developers (Benenson Capital Partners in association with the Mack Real Estate Group) are lobbying to receive a zoning variance for a 12-story building. In an analysis of the plot, the developers note that "unusually elevated groundwater levels and exceedingly soft and unstable soil (owing to the presence of an underground stream) ... result in extraordinary construction costs."

Last week, Community Board 3's Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee tabled the a vote on the zoning variance, asking the reps to return with alternatives to increasing building height.

Meantime here, mud baths are available.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Godlis at Night

[Image via @GODLIS]

East Village-based photographer David Godlis has a new book, "History Is Made at Night," which chronicles the heyday of the scene at CBGB between 1976 and 1979.

There's a publication party tomorrow night with a slideshow and talk at 7 in the Howl! Happening space, 6 E. First St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery.

In a special airing Friday from noon to 2 p.m. (ET), Godlis will be my guest during an East Village Radio program. We'll be joined by Marc H. Miller, co-curator of "Hey! Ho! Let's Go: Ramones and the Birth of Punk" going on now through July 31 at the Queens Museum. We might talk about the Ramones.

Listen in via or the Dash Radio app.

Godlis will also be out at the Queens Museum on Saturday for a day billed as Ramones Mania. Details here.


The EVR show plays again today...

Baby red-tailed hawks nearly ready to drop the baby and move out of the nest

I haven't had time to baby hawk watch this past week... and so I barely even recognized Christo and Dora's red-tailed hawk offspring in Tompkins Square Park... they've gotten so red-tailed-hawk like...

Photos today by Bobby Williams. Find more photos and details at Goggla's website here.


A photo posted by MR. PURPLE (@mrpurplenyc) on

The New York Post checks in with a piece on how awful some rooftop bars are in the city, including Mr. Purple on Orchard Street between Houston and Stanton.

An excerpt:

The reality is that you have to wait an hour to even get to the roof, then another half-hour to purchase a can of beer, and your friends are still stuck in line while you’re surrounded by bottle-service-loving blowhards who flock to rooftop bars like moths to a flame.

Such was the scene on a recent Saturday at Mr. Purple (180 Orchard St.) on the Lower East Side. Young guys clad in white calf-socks and baggy khaki shorts nagged the bouncer at the ground-level waiting area, a glorified alley decorated with too-cheery pop art, and loudly contemplated whether they should slip him some cash to cut the line, as the coolest kind of people do.

They didn’t have any luck, but a gaggle of girls who entered screaming, “None of us are over 21!” did. The 15th-floor view is, admittedly, pretty great, with clear views of both the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building, though most of the patrons seemed more interested in staring at their iPhones than taking in the sights. If you don’t post a selfie and spend all evening checking your “likes,” did you ever really make it up onto the roof?

Meanwhile, the June 20 edition of The New Yorker has a short review of Mr. Purple.

Per writer Sarah Larson:

Aiming for a kind of neighborliness, the proprietors named the bar after the eccentric L.E.S. icon Adam Purple, a community-garden activist with a dark past, offending locals and relatives alike. The luxury-on-Ludlow vibe is equally uneasy. The interior, meant to evoke an artist’s loft, leads to two outdoor patios, with chaise longues, purple chairs, staggeringly gorgeous views, and a swimming pool. “This is horrible!” a neighborhood man said on a recent night, scowling. “It’s like a disco bar in Thailand in 1995.”


And how are the drinks? In an age of near-universal craft-cocktail excellence, they are mediocre, pricey, and boldly unsubtle, served in acrylic.

Previously on EV Grieve:
[Updated] The upscale hotel bar with a pool named for the late environmentalist Adam Purple (44 comments)

[Updated] The Gerber Group responds to criticism over Mr. Purple (23 comments)

As the Hotel Indigo and Mr. Purple continue efforts to be part of the LES neighborhood (25 comments)

Out and About in the East Village

In this ongoing feature, East Village-based photographer James Maher provides us with a quick snapshot of someone who lives and/or works in the East Village.

By James Maher
Name: Colette Pwakah
Occupation: Artist, Adventurer, and Part-Timer. Editor of Time Warp.
Location: Tompkins Square Park
Time: 3 pm on Friday, June 10

I was born and raised here: first near the Bowery, but I later moved further into the Lower East Side. My mom is from Syracuse and my dad is from Queens and Long Island. They moved to NYC in the early 1980s. I guess my dad always knew that he was meant to be in Manhattan, so he just had this drive to move here eventually. That was his goal.

Growing up in NYC was kind of fun and carefree. Most of my time was spent in the Tompkins playgrounds and the surrounding areas. I remember there were always a lot of strange characters around here. My dad would often point them out. He would say, ‘That kind of thing only happens here,’ or ‘only in New York.’ Living here, you'd learn to be more loving and accepting toward people, instead of hating or being afraid of people just because they look or act differently.

I was always into the punk aesthetic from a young age, and I liked that sort of music, but I didn’t know of any really good bands. Then in my late teens, I started doing more research and finding more genuine punk and rock 'n roll bands, like the real dank shit. Ramones, Misfits, the Clash, the Cramps, Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers, Richard Hell & the Voidoids, Leftover Crack...

Even as a kid, I heard about CBGBs and I always kind of fantasized about being able to go to shows there. In 2006, I think I was 12 or 13 so I was too young to even go to the matinee shows, and that was when they shut down. My little dream was crushed right there.

When I was little, there were still a lot of empty lots, a lot of garages, a lot of parking lots, empty spaces that didn’t have nasty glassy towers built on them. What really makes me go into this mental disconnect, is that so much is changing, faster than ever before, and its kind of heartbreaking sometimes. It’s hard to develop or maintain a sense of place when your surroundings are always looking different from month to month. What you knew and loved about your neighborhood — the familiar sights and imperfections — is being steadily destroyed and replaced.

One of the things I love most about New York City is that you can be anyone you want to be here. Everyone will accept you. That’s how it should be and that’s how it’s always been. If you want to reinvent yourself, go for it. That’s kind of a punk thing, too. You can be true to yourself and not have people judging you... and if they do, who the hell cares? Embracing punk music and ideologies has helped a lot in my life transition.

I studied wildlife biology in college. I was extremely depressed, anxious, and isolated, repeating endless cycles. It felt like being in prison. After a couple of years, I realized that no one really listens to scientists anymore. I began to question the system I was conforming to. Graduating high school, finishing college, getting a degree in some field, and hopefully getting a job... That's not realistic. It doesn't work for everyone. I really wanted to save natural places and wildlife — especially wolves and other predators.

I realized that there’s just so much corruption in politics that you can’t really do much as a scientist anymore. You might publish a study but no one really pays attention to it. Our global environment and ecosystems wouldn't be in such a mess if people in power would listen to the scientists or even common sense, for that matter. They only listen to the money. So, what’s the point of spending more than four years of my life studying and doing this work if it’s not even going to make a difference?

I left the city for maybe four months at a time each semester, and each time I came back to the city, the changes were very significant. It seems like time passes more quickly, here. You might leave for a week and it’s like a month has passed. It kind of freaked me out when I returned from my first semester and saw how the area around Mars Bar had changed in such little time. Astor Place suffered a similar fate. The streets are swarming with zombie-like people. It's like something outta the Twilight Zone.

In part 2 next week, Pwakah discusses launching her zine. "With Time Warp, I am trying to inspire people to act and actually do something instead of just being sad and resigned to the situation we’re in." (Find a PDF of the zine here.)

James Maher is a fine art and studio photographer based in the East Village. Find his website here.

Report: Police make arrest in Avenue D murder; suspect's brother in prison for beating death of elderly man on 6th Street

Police have reportedly made an arrest in the deadly shooting of Michael Rodriguez outside the Lillian Wald Houses on June 3.

Terence Pugh, 24, was formally charged in the death of Rodriguez, 22, after a drug-related arrest two weeks ago.

DNAinfo has the story:

Pugh was first arrested at approximately 6 p.m. on June 6 near Bowery and Broome Street as part of a three-day takedown that netted a total of nine individuals after a months-long operation by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office called “Operation D Block,” according to a law enforcement source.

The investigation was sparked by a rash of shootings plaguing Alphabet City, according to the source. Seven of the arrests took place at the Riis Houses and the Lillian D. Wald Houses, both in Alphabet City...

Pugh's younger brother Jamie was convicted of second-degree murder last August for the vicious beating of 68-year-old grandfather Wen Hui Ruan on East Sixth Street near Avenue D in May 2014. The younger Pugh is now serving a sentence of 25 years to life.

Ruan, a retired garment worker who lived on Avenue C and Seventh Street with his wife, had just dropped off his granddaughters when the attack occurred.

DNAinfo reported that mother of Terence and Jamie, Charlotte Pugh, was also arrested. "She had worked alongside her son dealing Percocet, according to court papers, and was charged with conspiracy in the fourth degree," per DNAinfo.

Report: Steve Croman case pushed back to September

[Photo via a Croman tenant]

Landlord Steve Croman appeared in Manhattan Supreme Court yesterday. Croman, who owns more buildings in the East Village than any other landlord, was hit last month with a 20-count indictment on charges including grand larceny and filing false documents.

As The Lo-Down reported, Supreme Court Justice Jill Konviser adjourned the hearing until Sept. 20. Croman's high-powered defense lawyer, Ben Brafman, said that they were close on a plea deal, according to the Post.

A handful of Croman tenants were on hand to greet their landlord at the courthouse.

Per The Lo-Down:

Tamalyn Miller, a Croman Tenant at 521 East 5th St., said that even though Croman’s case was pushed back, she’s happy. “The court case may go on and on,” she said, but Croman’s reputation is forever tarnished. “When we were going through this in 2009, 2010, nobody would listen to us,” she added.

Meanwhile, across the street yesterday, The Lo-Down reported that another controversial East Village landlord, Raphael Toledano, was in New York City Housing Court for civil and criminal contempt. He reportedly was there after failing to pay a settlement to tenants at 444 E 13th St.

St. Mark's Bookshop, which closed 4 months ago, receives an eviction notice

After 38 years at four locations, St. Mark's Bookshop closed last Feb. 28 (with an "epilogue sale" on March 5) at 136 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue.

As you probably know, the long-struggling store reportedly owned some $70,000 in back rent to the city (the NYCHA is the landlord here).

In any event, several readers noted that an eviction notice, dated June 9, had been taped to the gate this past week...

Seems a little late. NYCHA reportedly initiated eviction proceedings last July, per DNAinfo.

Inside, there are still some books on the shelves... looking the way it did on its last day in business.

The photo below is from May 22 by Arthur Nersesian ... the inside looks the same inside today...

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Report: Man shot in stomach during fight on East 4th Street

An EVG reader shared these photos from early this morning after a man was shot once during a confrontation at the Bracetti Plaza on Fourth Street near Avenue C.

According to published reports, there were three shots, with one hitting the 22-year-old victim in the stomach around 2:40 a.m.

Per NBC 4:

Police said that the man got on his bike and road toward his home and was stopped and helped by housing police at Avenue D and East 8th Street.

The victim hasn't been cooperating with investigators, police said, and no description of a suspect was available.

The victim is expected to survive the shooting, police said.

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.