Thursday, July 8, 2010

Report: Eight firefighters injured this evening at 240 Houston

According to the Times:

Nearly 140 firefighters were sent to battle the blaze, which caused no deaths or major injuries but spread anxiety throughout the neighborhood. Eight firefighters had minor injuries, including burns and smoke inhalation.

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

After the fire: Double Down, Kelly's and Discovery Wines closed; grocery open

Things seem oddly normal tonight on Avenue A below Second Street...a few hours back, of course, some 180 firefighters were on the scene battling the blaze at 240 Houston and Avenue A...

On the east side of A between Second Street and Houston...the storefronts that were directly impacted by the fire... the Double Down looks open, but the sign on the door says otherwise... [Updated: Double Down was already closed for renovations before the fire.]

Kelly's and Discovery Wines are shuttered...

And, the one place that I thought would be closed, was open... Houston Deli & Grocery on the corner... According to the manager, "We were very lucky," he said. "But I don't know for how long. At any minute, water could come through the ceiling."

Meanwhile, at the entrance to 240 Houston, fire and Red Cross officials were on hand to help any displaced residents...

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

More shots from after the fire

Many thanks to EV Grieve reader Krikor for sharing these photos... (Via Flickr)

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

After the fire

Check out Jeremiah's photos (like this one) of the firefighters after batting the blaze at 240 Houston.

Previously on EV Grieve:
More on the fire at 240 Houston

BoweryBoogie is also on the scene. He overheard a firefighter say the whole roof is gone at 240.

The Lo-Down is there too. They're reporting all the residents were safely evacuated.

Firefighters at work

Many thanks to BaHa for these shots...

More shots of 240 Houston

[Via Josh at Twitpic]

[Via BeChicMag]

As the top photo shows, the fire has been brought under control... no word yet on any injuries... Every says how quickly the fire department responded...

Rooftop view of the 240 Houston fire

These spectacular shots via Josh at Twitpic.

More on the fire at 240 Houston

I noticed that scaffolding recently went up here at the site of the fire, 240 Houston ... And Gothamist points to a complaint here via the DOB dated June 22:


Fire on Avenue A and Houston

[Top photo via WCBS]

Much more to come.

Per NY1:

Firefighters are currently battling a three-alarm fire on the roof and upper floors of a building in the East Village.

About 188 firefighters from 33 units are putting out the flames, according to the FDNY.

Black smoke rising from the fire could be seen throughout much of Lower Manhattan.

Houston Street has been reportedly closed to traffic.

It is not yet known how the hot weather contributed towards the fire.

Walking toward the fire

I was walking south on First Avenue and 10th Street when I heard the helicopters... and then I saw the smoke coming from what turned out to be 240 Houston. Walking there, a few people walked out of storefronts... "Where's the fire? Where's the fire?" No one could tell, just yet...

Late afternoon at the Met


Via @purelygenius: Sidebar in the East Village is offering $5 LeBomb James shots. That's not a typo.

Via @16Handles: "Have you checked out our newest flavor in East Village? Clockwork Orange Sorbet. Handle It!"

What's Great About America: Ray's

As we mentioned, the Ray's delivery team was featured on the John Stossel-hosted Fox program "What's Great About America" this past weekend...and here is the segment. The Ray's piece starts at the 4:30 point or case you want to skip by the opening stuff with Bono and Angelina....

Thanks to Matt at Neighborhoodr for this link. He has more Ray's-related items here, such as a deal on Save Ray's gear (only through today, though).

By the way, as Scoopy noted, the Ray's delivery team is on hiatus during the summer...

Spending $2 million to combat "unpleasant perceptions of OTB parlors and clientele"

At the Times today, Russ Buettner looks at the latest OTB wretched excess...spending millions on consultants and research ... Why?

Much of the [the consultants'] effort involved wrestling with unpleasant perceptions of OTB parlors and clientele.

As the Times notes, "For now, the consultants’ expensive work product appears to have no more value than a torn race ticket on a dirty linoleum floor." The new OTB boss doesn't care for the work that was done by his predecessor.

Wonder how much longer before the whole OTB system is shuttered... they're what, $200 million in the hole now? Go to one while you can.

This line from the Times a few years back sums it up best about the future of the OTB: It is an ever-narrowing slice of New York that still belongs to the hustler and the old-timer. Soon it may be extinct...

Like everything else that helps give the city some character.

[Photo at the Delancey OTB by EV Grieve]