Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas is coming

Two scenes from First Avenue tonight...

Window shopping on 14th Street

Between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Thanksgiving marathon continues

Bowie's puffy-pants, puffy-hair phase circa 1987.

Avenue A, 12:22, Nov. 25

Breaking: Delivery bike removed from Stuy Town

We just noted the presence of an abandoned restaurant delivery bike that has been locked to this tree in 4 Stuyvesant Oval in Stuy Town since.... Halloween!

EV Grieve reader Nixta now reports that, as of this morning, workers removed the bike!

Dora Park Apartments getting a bath

One of my favorite apartment buildings, the Dora Park on Seventh Street across from Tompkins Square Park, is getting cleaned up... watching workers on the scene this morning... hope no one wanted to sleep in...

Here's a shot from the invaluable Forgotten New York showing the detail above Dora Park's doorway...

Scharf attack

On Wednesday, BoweryBoogie noted that Brooklyn-based artist Kenny Scharf had started his work on the Deitch Wall at Houston and the Bowery... here's a progress report...

The work continues at St. Brigid's

There have been several "alarming rumors," according to The Villager, about the renovations at St. Brigid's on Avenue B and Eighth Street....I walked by the site earlier this week.... and there was a lot of work going on...Still continues to look like a major operation....

Remembering what St. Brigid's looks like

Seems like forever since we last saw St. Brigid's on Avenue B at Eighth Street with the scaffolding and sidewalk shed, etc.... Here's a shot (via) from 2000 or so...

And from the NYPL digital archives... a view of the church in 1928...

...and 1935...

Photos from NYPL. 1928-35

The suspects list has been narrowed down to 8 million people

Waiting for the N/R at Union Square.