Sunday, October 14, 2012

Here's the Taylor Swift section at Duane Reade's Avenue B store

I don't recall any other pop singers getting their own section at Duane Reade. Can't say that I know anything about her ... except from the tabloids reporting on her dating a Kennedy.

San Francisco Giants celebration tree mended on Second Avenue

On Friday, we noted the Urban Etiquette Sign that an EVG reader spotted on Second Avenue near 14th Street... outside Bay Area-rooting sports bar Finnerty's. Some fans in celebration mode apparently broke off some branches...

A commenter later noted: "I see the broken limbs have been removed and damaged area sealed. Fair enough."

And here's a photo of the tree now...

Watching Television this morning

Been hanging out over at The YouTube early this morning... going through videos that I put in my favorites but never watched for some reason, like this grainy rehearsal footage of Television circa 1974 ... I like the one commenter who says "Verlaine is like a trobadour from the asylum who has never washed his hair."

The lineup at this time:

Tom Verlaine — vocals, guitar
Richard Hell — vocals, bass
Richard Lloyd — guitar
Billy Ficca — drums

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Next De-Flea Market tomorrow at Bar 82


A reader sent this in via Facebook...

Saturday October 13th is the 3rd day of New York Comic Con. It also happens to be a damn good day to drink, eat, and generally party your way through the East Village.

How do we resolve the simultaneous occurrence of these 2 extraordinary events?

By throwing NYC's First COMIC CRAWL!

There will be food. There will be drinks. There will be mayhem. There will be Comics!
*There will NOT be blood.

Featuring many of the East Village's coolest spots.
- Idle Hands Bar
-Destination Bar
-Billy Hurricane's
-Fresco Gelateria
-Professor Thom's
-Wechsler's Currywurst & Bratwurst
-La Lucha
-Otto's Shrunken Head
-Jimmy's No. 43
-East Village Tavern
-Double Down Saloon

DNAinfo featured this pub crawl here.

Anyone else getting really tired of this kind of shit?

A celebration of Donald Suggs' life tomorrow night at Eastern Bloc

Via Facebook:
Dear friends and loves of Donald,

We're having a party at one of his favorite places, Eastern Bloc, to commemorate his life. If you like, come with stories — you'll have a chance to tell them. Come with love, because he'd want you to share it. And come prepared to celebrate, not just to mourn. With drinks. And mariachis.

As you know, Donald was also a tireless activist. Please consider donating to some of the causes that were dearest to him:

One Iowa

Grassroots Leadership

The celebration starts at 5. Eastern Bloc is on East Sixth Street ... just east of Avenue A.

Suggs, a longtime East Village resident who worked at Exit 9 on Avenue A, died last weekend of an apparent heart attack. He was 51.

Continuum Coffee now open on Avenue B

About a year ago we heard that Continuum Cycles on Avenue B was going to open a coffee shop... and we promptly forgot about it.

Here was owner Jeff Underwood writing about it last October on the Continuum blog:

We will have vegan treats too. Movie nights, bicycle art, books, clothing and tubes, patches, lights, pumps and much more until late night. Also remember, we are open for everyone. Cyclist or not.

Anyway, Continuum Coffee opened Wednesday adjacent to the shop between East 12th Street and 13th Street...

[Via @ContinuumCoffee]

They have oatmeal and vegan muffins and stuff... and they'll be screening horror movies every Friday and Saturday this month... and bike-themed films on Sunday...

Immaculate Conception Church flea market is on

The Mary Help of Christians flea market on Avenue A at East 11th Street officially ended the first weekend of September (to make way for some unspecified, incoming development) ... and the action was moving over to the Immaculate Conception Church on East 14th Street at First Avenue...

Well, today is the first day. And here are a few shots from early this morning, where some vendors — and familiar faces — were still setting up...

There are also vendors in the church's gymnasium, where every photo I took came out really blurry. Like this one!

Anyway. Every Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Don't Panic: Free concert tomorrow in Tompkins Square Park

And the band times:

2 p.m. — ALIENZ
5 p.m. — ICONICIDE

Friday, October 12, 2012

Red dawn, though at sunset

Photos by Bobby Williams.

A Blues explosion

The Gun Club live in 1983 with "Preaching the Blues."

The Daily News goes all out in its coverage of a Bowery Hotel bellhop who allegedly sold pot to an undercover cop

Wow. The Daily News had three reporters on this six-sentence story that included photos of the 25 year old being led out of The Bowery Hotel (in his uniform) in handcuffs yesterday and a photo of him after being released on a criminal possession of marijuana charge last night.

Per the Daily News, the accused is a college graduate with no criminal record.

Did someone at the paper have a bad experience at the hotel?

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Did the D.O.E. ignore cracks in walls at East Side Community High School? (The Villager)

City Council OKs SPURA plan (BoweryBoogie) ... Bloomy's reaction (The Lo-Down)

A call for statewide gun control measures outside Campos Plaza (The Villager)

Bike lanes mean business for the East Village (Streetsblog)

Marching with Honk! on First Avenue (Animal NY)

"Boss" actor Jeff Hephner's East Village, where he lives with his wife in her childhood home on East Fourth Street (The Daily News)

Hospitality industry will soon be the city’s No. 1 employer (The New York Times)

Campaign to shutter two XXX shops in Chelsea (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

WNYC checks in with local reaction about the new East Village/Lower East Side Historic District, including this soundbite:

"Have you ever come down here to grab a drink and seen all the heroin addicts walking around, and seen how bad a neighborhood it actually really is?" said Richard Dawson, a server at the Sidewalk Café. He doesn’t see much charm in the East Village. The 22-year old shook his head, "there’s a lot of homeless people around here and a big heroin scene still."

And on East Sixth Street near Schwimmer Manor, the new coffee shop opened today ... a family run place called Elsewhere Espresso...

The sign as well as a small menu will arrive next week, per a reader on the block. You can read more about the place at the Local.

San Francisco Giants fans apparently damage East Village tree during Game 5 celebration

The San Francisco Giants beat the Cincinnati Reds yesterday to advance in the National League playoffs. The Giants became the first NL team to overcome a 2-0 deficit in the division series.

Which brings us to this Urban Etiquette Sign an EVG reader spotted on Second Avenue near 14th Street... near Bay Area-rooting sports bar Finnerty's.

Per the sign:

"This tree destroyed by band wagon S.F. Giants fans celebrating Game 5 at curiously S.F. affiliated bar 'Finnerty's.' Hint: Good marketing, nothing more. Not winning awards for neighbor of the year. Get this tree some Melky Juice stat!"

(Melky Juice? The sign leaver knows his or her baseball...)

And here is the damage the bandwagon fans apparently caused ...

Neighbor here will likely be rooting for the Nationals or Cardinals now.