Monday, October 29, 2012

Con Ed robo calls coming in

More than a dozen people have reported receiving robo calls from Con Ed saying that the power might be preemptively shut down. Residents have reported the calls in all parts of the East Village as well as in the Lower East Side and Nolita.


Gothamist has more here.

Zoltar remains a voice of reason during these Scary Sandy days

Secured behind a bar now... Via EVG reader John S. ...

Reader report from Avenue A: Citibank ATMs out of cash, but Key Food has bread

NYPD shoos away Hurricane Sandy photoseekers along the East River

Along the East River Park Promenade...

Via Steven Matthews.

Looking at the FDR at 1:29 p.m.

FDR Drive, looking south, from Sixth Street pedestrian overpass. Via Steven Matthews.


Kim reacts to the news at Ray's this morning... photo by Shawn Chittle. Ray's will remain open 24/7...

Splash Zone poster art

Spotted on Seventh Street and Avenue A by EVG reader Robert Miner....

Scenes from a Sandy morning walk in the East Village

Have you been out? Strangely calm and soothingly business as usual. Mostly. A few maybe probably obvious things. Umbrellas are useless. Don't even bother. Watch the leaves on the sidewalks. I saw three people slip in about 15 minutes. Please be careful.

Mayor Bloomberg touring the neighborhood...

See Umbrellas are Useless above.

IHOP is closed.

Only the coconuts remain. Hope that they don't start flying around...


Does the crane at 51 Astor make anyone else a little nervous? It sure looks secure, but...

First Avenue, 11 a.m., Oct. 29

via jdx

Dog shit now piling up

Dog shit piling up on inverted NYC DOS trash cans. 10th Street and Avenue A via Shawn Chittle.

[Updated] Here comes the East River

East River Park just now... Via EVG reader John...

...and Crazy Eddie...

About 10:30 ... via @ARaeAshcraft ...

And 11 a.m. ... via James and Karla Murray

Bloomberg boombox

Per Dave on 7th: NYPD vans on Avenue C equipped with speakers telling Zone A residents that they face a misdemeanor of some sort if they don't evacuate...

Early tree damage

Avenue A near East 11th Street. So far, there aren't any downed trees in Tompkins Square Park.

Photo by Shawn Chittle.

7 a.m., Hurricane Sandy Day 1

Photos by Bobby Williams

Late-night fireworks

There were all sorts of tweets around midnight of gunshots, maybe, but more likely fireworks ... we haven't been able to pinpoint the exact location... Shawn Chittle took this photo looking southeast toward Tompkins Square Park...

Anyone have a fix on the location?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Safe ... for now

Many thanks to EVG reader John S. for the photo... back early in the morning with more news... some of it even pertinent ...

Meanwhile in Zone A...

An EVG reader notes some buildings in Zone A, which had a mandatory evacuation today... and it puts to rest the current rumor that the city cut the power to these areas tonight...

You can always count on Ray's

At the Punk Rock Storm Evacuation Center

Manitoba's on Avenue B...

Con Ed shutting off some steam service

Several residents have told us that their landlords are turning off the hot water... here's the official release from Con Ed on the matter.... an excerpt...

Con Edison is also in the process of shutting down steam service to some buildings in areas of Manhattan that may be prone to flooding. If the steam pipes were to get inundated with flood water externally, the temperature difference could make the pipes dangerous.”

One reader said that her landlord announced this in an email, and she's in Zone B.