Sunday, April 21, 2024

Week in Grieview

Posts this past week included (with a rainy Wednesday evening photo from Second Avenue)...

• D.A. Bragg announces indictment of suspect in 2 March shootings In Tompkins Square Park (Tuesday

• NYPD searching for hockey-stick-wielding suspect who whacked woman in the leg on 6th Street (Friday

• Honoring the late downtown legend Patti Astor at Astor Place (Wednesday)

• At the march to Save Beth Israel (Monday

• Openings: Pimbeche Vintage on 3rd Street (Wedensday

• Ray's Candy Store in miniature (Thursday

 • Openings: Gnocchi on 9th (on 9th) (Monday

• News to dry for: La La Laundry is back with gas on Avenue B and 11th Street (Saturday

• Remembering Joey Ramone on the anniversary of his death (Monday

• Blossom bonanza: Cherry trees paint TSP pink (Tuesday

• The Marshal has seized Atomic Wings on 1st Avenue (Monday

• Cakes by Klein takes 102 St. Mark's Place (Monday

• Construction watch: 280 E. Houston St. (Wednesday)

• Signage alert: The Onion Tree Pizza Co. on 1st Avenue (Wednesday

• PARTIAL brick reveal at 1 St. Mark's Place (Thursday

• Reader report: Alphabet Grocery hasn't been open lately (Thursday

• Today in awkwardly phrased crime alerts on the Citizen app (Sunday

 ... and we caught up with Alex Garland's incendiary "Civil War" (still talking about Jesse Plemons!) at the Village East by Angelika on Second Avenue and 12th Street...
... the film includes two perfectly placed songs by Suicide (one half of the duo, Martin Rev, still lives in the EV).

Follow EVG on Instagram or X for more frequent updates and pics.

Today in street festivals

Photo by Steven 

Today in street fairs: the Second Avenue EV Festival is getting underway along — Second Avenue, from 14th Street to... St. Mark's Place? (The online listing says Fourth Street, but...)

Anyway, this one held in April is usually pretty solid as far as street festivals go...

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday's parting shot

A view along St. Mark's Place late this afternoon between Avenue A and First Avenue. 

This block is again part of the Open Streets program for the following days/hours: 

• Fridays: 4:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. 
• Saturdays: 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. 
• Sundays: 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

News to dry for: La La Laundry is back with gas on Avenue B and 11th Street

After a three-week saga, Con Ed has restored the gas service to La La Laundry (and presumably the entire building) on the NW corner of Avenue B and 11th Street. 

While the business, which includes a plant shop and cleaning service, remained open, La La's patrons could not use its dryers without the gas hookup.

For now, La La has extended its closing to 10 p.m.
As the laundromat ownership previously explained: 
On March 26, a routine maintenance task took a harrowing turn. An elderly mechanic, entrusted with welding duties in our boiler room, suddenly felt unwell, prompting a call to 911. Responders, fearing a gas leak, urged the shutdown of the boiler's gas supply. However, a fateful misstep by a Con Ed worker resulted in the cessation of gas to the entire building, despite NO leak being found within our premises. 

Previously on EV Grieve

A crowdfunding campaign is here.

Saturday's opening shot

A view of Tompkins Square Park this morning. 

And as previously mentioned, there are many Earth Day-related activities today (yes, Earth Day is officially Monday) ... such as!

• Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) is hosting its annual Spring Awakening to celebrate the neighborhood's community gardens. (Details

• The volunteers at Loisaida Open Streets are hosting events throughout the day on Avenue B between Eighth Street and 10th Street (details) ... part of NYC's Car-Free Earth Day.

4/20's opening shot

As seen on Avenue A at 11th Street yesterday... thanks to EVG reader PM for the shot. 

And happy 4/20 to those who celebrate this high holiday.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Friday's parting shot

Tits Dick Ass tonight at the Knitting Factory at Baker Falls on Avenue A... headlining a bill that featured Gargoyle ... Suburban Speed ... and Femcel ...

Ways to be 'Wicked'


The fifth record from Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds is out today on In the Red Records. 

The above video, which features L.A. punk icon Alice Bag, is for the track "Wicked World."

NYPD searching for hockey-stick-wielding suspect who whacked woman in the leg on 6th Street

Police are looking for a man they say struck a woman in the leg with a hockey stick in an unprovoked attack on an East Village street.

According to the NYPD, a 26-year-old woman was walking on Sixth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue around 10:30 p.m. on April 9 when the suspect hit her in the back of her thigh. The Post interviewed the victim, Amber Nguyen, who said she was walking with a group of friends when the assault occurred. The man did not say anything before the attack. 

After the hit, she and her friends reportedly followed the man, who was still carrying the hockey stick, for several blocks before he stopped and turned to the group saying, "I’m going to fuck you up!" 

The group retreated into a restaurant and the suspect fled. 

EMTs treated Nguyen, who was left with a bruise, at the scene. 

Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online. All calls are strictly confidential. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday's parting shots

Photos by Peter Brownscombe

Danny Cortes presented Ray with a miniature Ray's Candy Store today outside the shop at 113 Avenue A...
The miniature/diorama artist has also created versions of the Mars Bar and 57 Great Jones St.

Waiting for a sunnier day? (And some mold and mildew remover)

The beach beckons here on Seventh Street and Second Avenue... photo today by Steven...

Earth Day extravaganza: A celebration of East Village community gardens this Saturday

On Earth Day this coming Saturday, Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens (LUNGS) is hosting its annual Spring Awakening to celebrate the neighborhood's community gardens. 

Our parade begins at noon from El Sol Brillante, 522 E.12th St., between Avenue A and Avenue B. It will feature our Tree Goddess, Batalá, Stiltwalkers, and more. The parade will travel east on 12th Street, south on Avenue C, west on Sixth Street, north on Avenue A, enter Tompkins Square Park at Seventh Street, and end on Avenue B and Ninth Street. 
Several EV community gardens will host events throughout the afternoon, from workshops to live performances. Check this link for a schedule to date.

The Spring Awakening coincides with the 2024 debut of activities on the Loisaida Open Streets, where a slate of events is held throughout the day on Avenue B between Eighth Street and 10th Street. This is part of the citywide Car-Free Earth Day. 

PARTIAL brick reveal at 1 St. Mark's Place

Yesterday marked a partial reveal day on the NW corner of Third Avenue and St. Mark's Place... where workers peeled off away some of the all-weather wrap on the 9-story office building...
Noted EVG reader Jacob Ford, who shared these pics: "It was a surprise (to me at least) the brick is slate instead of red."
True! The rendering shows a different color for the building with 50,000-plus square feet of office space and some 8,000 square feet for retail.
The rendering lists a July 2024 completion date.

Reader report: Alphabet Grocery hasn't been open lately

The gates have been down at Alphabet Grocery on the NW corner of Avenue C and Sixth Street for the past week. 

An EVG reader noted that the corner market changed a few weeks back and "looked more like a grocery store." They also stopped selling lottery tickets. 

There isn't any signage about a kind of closure, temporary or otherwise.

The shop is in a building owned by the NYCHA.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Honoring the late downtown legend Patti Astor at Astor Place

The downtown 6 stop at Astor Place is now full of tributes to the late Patti Astor, as these photos via an EVG readers show ...
The tribute is courtesy the East Village-based The Lisa Project. 

Astor died on April 9 at her home in Hermosa Beach, Calif. She was 74.

Per The New York Times:
Patti Astor, the downtown Manhattan "It" girl, indie film star and co-founder of Fun Gallery, the scruffy East Village storefront space that in the early 1980s nurtured young graffiti artists like Futura2000, Zephyr, Lee Quinones, Lady Pink and Fab 5 Freddy, as well as showcasing artists like Keith Haring, Kenny Scharf and Jean-Michel Basquiat...

Openings: Pimbeche Vintage on 3rd Street

Pimbeche Vintage, which offers a variety of clothing and accessories, debuted earlier this month at 90 E. Third St., just west of First Avenue.

This is the second location for owner Lisa Ferrari-Sullivan, who debuted her first shop in Astoria two years ago.

Ferrari-Sullivan, who started her career in the fashion industry working in wholesale for luxury brands, grew up going to estate sales with her mother ... and always had respect for "all things preloved."
Her daughters Ava and Frankie are active in the shop, which is open Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. (with a 6 p.m. close on Sunday). 

You can follow Pimbeche Vintage on Instagram here.

Construction watch: 280 E. Houston St.

Here's another in-progress look at 280 E. Houston St., the 12-story mixed-used building growing quickly between Avenue A and Avenue B. (Thanks to Pinch for the heads-up on 280's growth spurt.)
... and here's a look at the most recent rendering...
As we've noted, the new building encompasses 224,809 square feet of space — for residential, commercial and community use. The residential portion will total 211,028 square feet for 157 apartments, per DOB records. The retail section will feature 12,000 square feet, while the community facility is 1,300 square feet.

Signage alert: The Onion Tree Pizza Co. on 1st Avenue

Photo by William Klayer 

Workers yesterday installed signage for The Onion Tree Pizza Co. on the SE corner of First Avenue and 13th Street. 

The husband-wife team of Jay and Raquel Jadeja plans to debut an EV outpost of their Long Island-based restaurant later this spring. (They received administrative approval for a new beer-wine license this month via Community Board 3.)

The restaurant in Sea Cliff on the North Shore serves traditional (and not-so-traditional) pizzas, including a chicken tikka masala. The menu is available here.

No word on an opening date here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Tuesday's parting shot

Today, outside the Con Ed substation on Fifth Street and Avenue A, there were unconfirmed reports of angels singing. 

For today, after nearly seven months, the last of the street barricades and assorted equipment (the cherry picker moved on yesterday) were removed... and the work on the new transformer has come to a welcome conclusion. (The Sixth Street side was cleared last week.)

Goodbye to the curt security guards who sat in idling vehicles watching parking spaces 24/7, the oil-processing trucks and the random holiday morning buzzsawing. 

And we do not know if the CitiBike docking station will return to the south side of Fifth Street outside the Untitled building.

Blossom bonanza: Cherry trees paint TSP pink

The cherry blossoms are really popping these days in and around Tompkins Square Park...
... with at least one exception. An EVG reader notes the cherry tree on the north side of the Eighth Street entrance along Avenue B isn't looking so good...
Per the reader, "The cherry tree on the south side of the Eighth Street entrance is in bloom, and I remember years of walking through the entrance flanked by the two lovely cherry blossom trees. Now, the north side tree is bare. I tried to find a parks employee to ask, but I wasn’t able to find anyone."