Saturday, February 9, 2013

Watching you

Photos today in Tompkins Square Park by Bobby Williams.

Watching You 2

Via EVG regular peter radley...

Reminder: MoRUS hosting 'Direct Action Fashion Show' tonight

Just a reminder...

The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) presents: DIRECT ACTION FASHION SHOW

Celebrate how activists use costumes, puppets, and props to draw awareness to various environmental, social, and political issues and create positive, sustainable change.

At the same time that parts of our city will be taken over by Fashion Week’s bold images intended to grease the wheels of extreme consumption, we plan to explore the ways in which spectacle can be used for the greater good, rather than corporate gain.

Prior to the event, the Rude Mechanical Orchestra will lead a march to pay tribute to the community gardens, as a reminder that this vital community resource still needs our support. Earth Celebrations, Time's Up!, People's Puppets of OWS, The MoS Collective and other organizations will be in attendance, and Arrow Chrome will DJ. Special appearance by Gene Pool, the "Can Man." Expect food, drinks and sparkles galore.

MoRUS (Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space) History Museum
155 Avenue C, between 9th and 10th Streets, Manhattan
7 pm; $5-10 sugg., no one turned away

And here's a quick video of preparations the other night...

Find more info at the MoRUS website... and at the Facebook event page.


Via Dave on 7th: "In case no one else noted what a nice day it is!"

[Updated] There is an M14 stuck on Avenue A at this moment


At this point, we're not sure exactly what happened here on Avenue A near East 11th Street. Other than that the bus is stuck, and the MTA is on the scene to help make it unstuck. No word on injuries.


[Julie Cirigno Reale via Facebook]

[Via EVG reader eureka]

Updated 11:59

... and the MTA has removed the bus... and now, showing the damaged Cemusa shelter, via Shawn Chittle..

Updated 1:33
EVG regular Greg Masters sent some shots too from this morning...

And now, photos of snow for people who like photos of snow

If you tuned into The Weather Channel (or any media outlet) the last 72 hours, then you probably knew that we were going to buried alive by the worst blizzard ever, oh save us Jim Cantore! some snow was expected in the area.

It did snow. Maybe what, 6 or 8 inches? Here are some random photos of that from this morning.

And now, a 6-second clip of a snow blower for people who like 6-second clips of a snow blower

Light Beer Snowman spotted in Tompkins Square Park

Trying to slim down after the holidays...

Photos via Jose Garcia...

...and via EVG reader Steven...

A Second Avenue snowball ambush

Oh, we have more information on this... turns out the our friend Paul Kostabi was walking on Second Avenue ... where he was ambushed by a gang of snowball-toting hoodlums... and nice moves in that snow!

via @nranra

[Updated] Snow night

East Ninth Street last night By @melissa0sue

East Fourth Street via James Maher ...

East Third Street via Sam Hutchins ...

East Ninth Street via Terry Howell...

East Third Street via Jeff Morin (find a lot more from Jeff last night right here)

East Second Street via jdx ...

...and, um, taking the snow penis thing to the extreme in Tompkins Square Park...

Via Andrew Adam Newman on Ave C.

And this is what is left of the Snow Penis Monument this morning...

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ice Capades

Second Avenue this evening... via @emmiefly

Snow day, sort of

Photos by Bobby Williams

Snow mobile

Scene from East 12th Street via EVG reader Allison...

Speaking of white stuff...

Echo & the Bunnymen with "My White Devil" circa 1983.


Important Storm of Feb. 8™ announcements will also be made on the EVG Twitter account tonight and tomorrow and the day after maybe.

'Snowballing on the Lower East Side' (1900)

And then they all drew snow dicks on the locomobile steam automobiles.

Via the NYPL Digital Gallery.

Image Title: Snowballing on the Lower East Side.
Creator: Hambidge, Jay, 1867-1924 — Artist
Published Date: 1900
Original Source: From Century magazine.

How can I really be expected to post today when the Storm of Feb. 8™ is on the way?

[From December 2010]

And shouldn't we all be out buying bread and stuff? Or is it too late?