A reader notes a disturbance this morning on 12th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B... in front of Northern Spy, where a man in a gray t-shirt and shorts was trying to enter the restaurant.
Per the reader, who also provided the photos: "Some of the guys from the restaurant were trying to restrain him and kept telling him to get down on the ground, but he wasn't listening, and he was even trying to open the door to get into the restaurant. All in all, it was about six guys trying to get control over him."
The man's t-shirt was torn to shreds by the time police arrived. The man was placed inside an ambulance. "I suspect the guy was either drunk or mentally ill."

dude wanted that chicken and egg sandwich.
Whatever was wrong with him, they did a good job of keeping him under control until the police arrived.
Where's the "Don't Fuck with 12th Street" tag? Seems appropriate.
By about 7:40 AM Ripped T-Shirt Guy had migrated to 12th and A; I walked by on my way to the subway just as the cops showed up, and he actually began to tussle with them, but they finally got him in the back of the squad car. Took a few minutes tho, he was big and seemed pretty wired on something.
Ah! Good point anon 9:52! I added that tag...
This was an odd scene. The men from the block (it was the guys from the restaurant, the supers and other regular stoop sitters) were yelling for the guy to "stop" and "stay down" in their best cop voices, and then when they got him down, they hit him, which made him get up and start fighting again. After the fighting broke up, he sat on the bench calmly texting, until he wandered off toward Ave A, followed by a few of the men, when the cops finally arrived.
The "Dont mess with 12th Street" tag is not for a guys random morning after too much whatever he consumed. It is for annoying, loud yuppies and their spawn who pee in the flower pots and turn their noses up at the supers that hang on the stoop...after they put their dog shit in the recycling cans.
But, it is never o.k to take a bad trip, or bad hangover out on such fine people as the NS gentlemen. They have been nothing more than kind and considerate to the block. (I do miss the O.D.M ladies hanging in front of the store btwn shifts, they were cool!)
Funny how one intoxicated white guy could summon so many police when one week ago it took a hour to get police to investigate the theft of several grand's worth of luggage a few doors down.
Holiday weekend?
Or were they not yuppie enough for Bloomberg cops.
Maybe the guy was trying to smoke or eat too much of their bacon, major no-no in the Land of Blandberg!
To the 12:00 AM poster, I do have to say it took awhile for the cops to arrive. I witnessed the scene and was hoping they'd hurry up because the guy was swinging at everyone. And sorry someone lost their luggage (I still can't believe they left their bags unattended) but that's not the same as a big guy walking the streets punching people.
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