Saturday, July 21, 2012

This morning in Union Square

Per EVFlip: "While others have moved onto newer, sexier issues, the EV's Catholic Workers stand silent and hooded to remind us of the President's broken promise to shut down Guantanamo Bay."



Anything to deflect attention from the child licking priests! Go Catholic Church!

BabyDave said...

Please do not show such mocking disrespect for the Catholic Workers. For more than 70 years the orgnization has been an activist proponent for social welfare and reform.


Yeah, and Mother Theresa made sure nobody in third world countries got access to birth control. What's your point?

Ken from Ken's Kitchen said...

Hey,NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N...The Catholic hierarchy has nothing to do with these guys, Catholic Workers aren't part of the Catholic Church. They're independent, self-governing groups whose only reason for being is promoting social justice and providing social services. Each group does different things, depending on where they are and what the local needs are. Some might be religious in tone, or not. As a movement, Catholic Worker is anti-war and opposes the unequal distribution of wealth around the world. The EV's Catholic Worker house is on First Ave and First St, I believe, and their reminder of Obama's broken promise regarding Guantanamo is entirely in line with their mission.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of respect for the Catholic Workers. And, yes, this protest is very much in line with their mission. The EV CWs house was the home base for Dorothy Day, perhaps the only progressive anarchist considered for canonization by the modern Catholic church.

nygrump said...

It takes a lot of guts to protest the American Concentration camps.

Anonymous said...

Notorious L = rabid bigot. Doesn't comment on the content of the post, but uses it to Catholic bash. I'm sure he thinks he is a tolerant person though. What a hateful comment.