From the EV Grieve inbox...
Saturday, April 6, 1 pm (7th St. between A&B)
• The NO 7-Eleven Players
• The Community Wheel of Fortune w/prizes!
• The 7-Eleven Dance Competition (for YouTube)
• Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping
Two new plays especially written for this very special event!
A tawdry tragedy by Sugar Di Abetes
"NO 7-ELEVEN!!!!"
A dour comedy by Dewey, Cheatem & Howe
-nO tOmAToEs-
Rain date is Sunday.
Your photo scared me! I thought that was a real banner hanging up in the park. For whatever my disagreements with the No 7-Eleven group (small-business association, their opposition to the portion cap), I absolutely oppose advertising in the park.
Is the difference in the titles of the plays really just two exclamation points? Couldn't they come up with another name?
To the point, I can't make it on Saturday, so I hope it rains. I wonder if they would consider just moving the date to Sunday, for my sake? :)
Looking forward to it! Sounds like it'll be a blast... and for a good cause!
Look at all those Daffodils, its been two weeks since I have been in the park, and it seems to have exploded into spring.
Sorry to say that's an old Park photo! But things are in bloom....
really a shame that these people are discriminated against one chain...while so many others are allowed to walk in unmolested.
Oh man..i must wake up in time to catch this!
FBH @ 11:55am
I think you will find that 7-11 is being used as a figurehead by this group, and that their dislike for other chains is equally vociferous.
And, HEY, here's an idea.....why don't YOU get involved and pressure them to broaden their base? :+)
And LOVE the way this group is shaping up....reversing the old saying into.....
"Joke'em if they can't take a fuck."
Keep the pressure on folks.....YOU are speaking for millions of people in towns/cities around the USA and Canada, if not around the world.
LOVE 'ya!
@DrBOP wouldnt it be easy just to boycott and put them out of business? wouldnt that be a better use of time? or are you so worried that once it opens you are going to find yourself shopping there and then its too late?
ps. still dont see anyone boycotting or picketing outside subway or starbucks
I may be in the minority, but I simply can't wait until 7-11 opens in OUR neighborhood. I for one, love their taquitos, harbingers of sheer culinary delight. The flour used is ground from only the purest of grains and meats procured from the finest of animals. These top chef inspired combinations of meat and cheese just rotate delicately with sheer bliss; they're waiting patiently to be indulged on by a lucky and deserving patron. They are truly a healthy, economic and scrumptious alternative to the 'snacks' one may obtain from the many neighborhood bodegas.
I <3 7-11
5:13, I really hope you're joking
maybe the east village should follow in the foot steps of eastchester? ...
BB, The median household income of Eastchester in 2011 was $118,027, for a population of 19,305. Your proposal would go a long way to making the East Village a gated community.
well then I guess now let it be known that I, BB was the brain child of manhattans first gated community....The East Village Estates, formally known as the East Villge.
BB, You're not the brain-child, but it's good that you caught on. A lot of people still haven't.
Unrelated to this, are you the owner of Lebrini's? My son loves this place. We still call it Moon Pie, though. I hope you don't mind.
Breaking News: Rev Billy & the Stop Shopping Choir will join NO 7-Eleven Saturday, April 6, Tompkins Square Park, Bandshellnot
lol shmnyc, I guess you are right, I just clicked on your name and saw your page for the first time, you beat me by a month! ...Yeah I am the owner, nice to hear your kid likes us, no problem on calling it moon pie, 3 years later I rarely hear that anymore. fyi I would have liked to keep that name when I moved in but there was no way of transferring it without taking on thier debt, which was quite a bit.
@Bob - it's ironic that some of the same folks involved with the No 7-Eleven group are involved with HOWL, which takes corporate sponsorship from real estate companies like Icon Realty, Baumrind & Baumrind, Jackobson Properties to name just a few. I wonder if some of them rent retail space to so-called chain stores?
What would be replaced by the 7-Eleven is actually a serious question and we should all be talking about that. But gated? Loisaida won't be gated, it's too diverse. That's its greatness, despite constant pressure from gentrification and NYU, including promotionals like HOWL (I don't relate to HOWL, but I'm not an artist, so shut my mouth).
Although NO 7-Eleven is not a business association (here's a run down of the members http://savethelowereastside.blogspot.com/2013/03/will-real-no-7-eleven-please-stand-up.html) I think a mom&pop local service would be better -- they are much more likely to hire kids on parole looking for a fair break in life. 7-Eleven does background checks of their employees (it's on their website).
On Saturday we'll be playing "Community Wheel of Fortune" where we will deal directly with the question of what kinds of storefronts people really want in their community -- day care, after school, community media studio, swap shop... That's actually what NO 7-Eleven is about. We're trying to get a zoning amendment to require all corporate clone stores (including banks!) to go to the local community board for approval. Local say in local land use -- help free communities from corporate control from afar.
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