[EVG photo from last month]
Here is some news from The Stand, the pop-up gallery of sorts on the southwest corner of East Seventh Street and Avenue C ... they will be sharing some of their space, per the EVG inbox...
ANON: A downtown New York contemporary photography gallery located on the corner of 7th St. and Avenue C. Part documentary, part fine art gallery, we show the motion and language of the city through photography and the physical space.
Please join us for our opening show tonight at 8 on the corner of East Seventh Street and Avenue C.
We will be presenting Jon-Paul Rodriguez's body of work titled "Some Are Born Two Endless Ninght." The work is a visual homage to William Blake's poem, "Auguries of Innocence."

Find more info at The Stand's website here.
like the fotoz!
Oh. Oops! I was thinking Robert Blake. Silly me!
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