Several EVG readers noted the ongoing special at the old timer on Sixth Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue ...

It's a "Trump Surprise" with 50 percent off all ... "whenever we decide." (Sounds like a gag leftover from former neighbor 'Merica NYC.)
In any event, the 25-year-old, family-owned Taj Restaurant was closed for part of the fall... a sign pointed to an issue with Con Ed...

[Photo from October]
The restaurant reopened in November... and they seem to be emphasizing more of their later-evening bar business...
Given the Mi6 report about what Trump allegedly enjoys in bed I'm not sure I want anything surprising me.
The difference is that Taj's special is anti-Trump, whereas "Merica was embracing him and the values he stood for all the way. I'm not sure any restaurant should be doing anything with a Trump theme right now. Speaking of theme bars, that Will Ferrell bar Stay Classy also closed down. Is Bettejuice still doing any business, or have the tourists moved on? Just glad to see one of the old time Indian restuarants reinventing itself and sticking around, I might have to head over there for happy hour and a samosa.
I gave that a second look, myself.
I'm glad that they're still there. It's beyond sad what's happened to that beloved block.
I love that place. The musicians that play in there while you eat are really really good and John talk to them about old Indian music which is what they play.
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