Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Looking at the new 14th Street skyline near Avenue C

We continue to keep an eye on the new 24-floor residential building ascending the SW corner of 14th Street and Avenue C.

We estimate that workers have reached the 12th floor... so they are halfway there...
The plywood rendering lists a February 2026 completion date. 

Please check some of our previous posts (here and here) for more about this project and its impact on the immediate neighborhood.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see city planning officials working to keep new construction to appropriate scale in context of our neighborhood.

Jared said...

There's no room on the M14 bus at Ave C. The L train stop nearby is packed.
How do we handle twenty-four floors' more people?

Anonymous said...

It is far too "high density" for the EV where the population already feels untenable- leaving my apt daily feels like a blood sport as though i were in times square. I dread going out now.

Anonymous said...

Neighbor here -- they start work at 7 am and work six days a week. I am resigned to it (no other choice) and just wonder if anything will grow in our backyard next year once the full shadow is in place. Campos residents will be shadowed as well. I hope they get the money they were promised.

Anonymous said...

This totally will block the view of the Con Ed plant. Shame….

Sarah said...

This is kitty-corner from Stuy Town and close to the PJs and the power plant. What is the scale issue here?