In September 2013, we heard a rumor that 504-508 E. 11th St. had a new owner, "a real estate investment cabal" with intentions of clearing out the tenants of the 30-unit building.
Yes, indeed. Here's word on what has been happening there between Avenue A and Avenue B via The 504-508 E. 11th St. Tenant’s Association:
Because the wacky landlord had never issued a single lease, many of the longtime residents accepted pitifully low buyouts and sought greener pastures in less "awesome" neighborhoods. Other tenants just got sick of the harassment and left on their own accord with no financial compensation whatsoever.
However, a few stalwart tenants have chosen to stay and fight the attempts of East Diversified Buildings of Brooklyn and Gotham City International to displace them. The majority of the remaining residents are working families with children attending local elementary schools.
Well, the other shoe finally dropped on Wednesday, with tenants returning home to find court notices taped to their doors, issued by a landlord, "which prays for a final judgement of eviction awarding to the petitioner the possession of premises."
The hearing is set in Civil Court for Friday next week. Will the Evil Overlords of Gotham City succeed in their dastardly attempt to evict longtime East Village residents from their homes and reap the easy riches of an East Village real-estate market spinning wildly out of control? Or will good, or something like it, prevail and the beleaguered working families and longtime residents of 504-508 East 11th St. get to keep their not-so-happy homes? Stay tuned…
As we understand it, there are eight occupied apartments left, with 10 adults and three children among those units.