Marc recently wrote to me about a new section on the 98 Bowery site: Punk Art. As he notes at 98 Bowery:
As Bettie Ringma and I watched various musicians at CBGB successfully launched under the rubric of Punk Rock, it occurred to us that we might do the same for the visual artists who were part of the extended scene. It was partly tongue-in-cheek, partly hype, but secretly we actually believed we were presenting something new and important. The year was 1978 and the show we mounted with Alice Denney at the Washington Project for the Arts in Washington DC has gone down in history as the world's first Punk Art exhibition ... We repeated the Punk Art show twice: first as a one night, multimedia event at the School of Visual Arts in New York (November 1978) and then in a small exhibition at Art Something in Amsterdam, Holland (June 1979).
Miller has posted the long out-of-print Punk Art catalogue, which features new pictures and video. He also rewrote the introductions, adding stories connected to the exhibition, and updates on the artists.
My favorite section is on Punk Magazine. Or maybe the section on Alan Suicide and Art-Rite magazine. Or...
Here are the covers to the first three issues of Punk...

...and an ad featuring Debbie Harry (photographed by Chris Stein)

Anyway, you can go here and see it all for yourself.